Sitka Apartments

Seattle, Washington



USGBC announces Sitka Apartments as a win for 2020 Outstanding Multifamily Project Award

Sitka Apartments, a full-block, mixed use project in the Cascade neighborhood of Seattle, targets the extremely ambitious 2030 District targets of 50% water use reductions and 80% energy use reductions compared to 2003 baseline buildings. The project also earned a LEED Platinum rating. This project was the first in the country to implement an innovative wastewater heat recovery strategy for heating domestic hot water with the outgoing sewage effluent. All the sewage from the building is captured in a wastewater vault, and water-to-water heat pumps are used to harvest the heat before the water is released to the municipal sewage system. Additionally, the project makes use of an innovative greywater harvesting system that uses shower and laundry water for irrigation needs.

The Results

    • Winner – 2020 USGBC Outstanding Multifamily Project Award
    • LEED Platinum certification
    • Meets the 2030 Challenge

Read more about this project on the USGBC website.


Photos courtesy of Runberg Architecture Group

CLIENT: Runberg Architecture Group
EUI: 22.8 kBtu/sf/yr (measured)