Ecotope Publications
wdt_ID | pubindex | Title | Year | Authors | Clients | File | inhouse | confidential |
3 | 1975_001_1 | Process Feasibility Study: The Anaerobic Digestion of Dairy Cow Manure at the State Reformatory Honor Farm Monroe, Washington | 1975 | Ecotope Group; ParaMetrix Inc. | Washington State Department of Ecology | 1975_001_ProcessFeasibilityStudyAnaerobicDigestion.pdf | TRUE | No |
5 | 1976_001_1 | Feasibility for Solar Retrofit of the Black Residence, Kirkland Washington | 1976 | Davis Straub; Evan Brown; Kenneth Smith | Private Individual | 1976_001_FeasibilitySolarRetrofitBlackRes.pdf | TRUE | No |
6 | 1976_002_1 | The Prospects of Solar and Wind Power as Energy or Water Conservation Measures in the Columbia River Basin | 1976 | Howard Reichmuth; Kenneth Smith; Loren Johnson | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration; SOM - Skidmore, Owings & Merrill | 1976_002_ProspectsSolarWind Power.pdf | TRUE | No |
7 | 1976_003_1 | Two Solar Aquaculture-Greenhouse Systems For Western Washington: A Preliminary Report | 1976 | Becky Deryckx; Woody Deryckx | Hunger Action Center | 1976_003_TwoSolarAquaculture.pdf | TRUE | No |
8 | 1977_001_1 | Keeping a Cool Head and Warm Feet | 1977 | Barbara Francis; Keith Haggard; Larry Palmiter | Solar Architecture, Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI | 1977_001_KeepingCoolHeadWarmFeet.pdf | TRUE | No |
10 | 1977_002_1 | A Preliminary Evaluation of Potential Solar/Conservation Remodel Candidates | 1977 | Carol Oberton; David Baylon; Ken Eklund; Randy Skoog | Seattle City Light | 1977_002_PreliminaryEvaluationPotential.pdf | TRUE | No |
12 | 1977_003_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #1: Residential Energy Conservation | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_003_MECP1Residential.pdf | TRUE | No |
14 | 1977_004_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #2: Commercial Energy Conservation | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_004_MECP2Commercial.pdf | TRUE | No |
16 | 1977_005_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #3: Industrial Energy Conservation | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_005_MECP3Industrial.pdf | TRUE | No |
18 | 1977_006_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #4: Transportation Energy Conservation | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_006_MECP4Transportation.pdf | TRUE | No |
20 | 1977_006a1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #5: Agriculture Energy Conservation | 1977 | Ecotope; Howard Reichmuth; Jeffrey Barnes | Rodale Press; The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_007_MECP5Agriculture.pdf | TRUE | No |
21 | 1977_006b1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #6: Government Energy Conservation | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_008_MECP6Government.pdf | TRUE | No |
24 | 1977_009_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #7: Solar Energy Conservation | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_009_MECP7Solar.pdf | TRUE | No |
25 | 1977_010_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #8: Wind Energy Systems | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_010_MECP8Wind.pdf | TRUE | No |
26 | 1977_011_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #9: Biomass Conversion | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_011_MECP9Biomass.pdf | TRUE | No |
27 | 1977_012_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #10: Availability of Wood as an Energy Source | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_012_MECP10Wood.pdf | TRUE | No |
28 | 1977_013_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #11: Direct Coal Combustion | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_013_MECP11CoalCombustion.pdf | TRUE | No |
29 | 1977_014_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #12: Geothermal Energy | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_014_MECP12Geothermal.pdf | TRUE | No |
30 | 1977_015_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #13: Implications for State-Local Government Relations | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_015_MECP13ImplicationsGovtRelations.pdf | TRUE | No |
31 | 1977_016_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #14: Implications for Local Government , Proposed Codes | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_016_MECP14ImplicationsCode.pdf | TRUE | No |
32 | 1977_017_1 | Montana Energy Conservation Plan Working Paper #15: Small Scale Hydropower | 1977 | Ecotope | The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, Inc. | 1977_017_MECP15Hydropower.pdf | TRUE | No |
33 | 1977_018_1 | Commentary: Solar/Conservation Options and requirements | 1977 | David Baylon | Unknown | 1977_018_SolarLoanCommentary.pdf | TRUE | No |
34 | 1978_001_1 | Behavior of Passive Performance Factors | 1978 | Larry Palmiter | Passive Performance Evaluation Meeting, Washington, D.C. | 1978_001_BehaviorPassivePerformance.pdf | TRUE | No |
36 | 1978_002_1 | Measured and Modeled Passive Performance in Montana | 1978 | Bob Corbett; Larry Palmiter; Terry Wheeling | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1978_002_MeasuredModeledPassive.pdf | TRUE | No |
37 | 1978_003_1 | New Building Energy Conservation Standards and Solar Energy Utilization: Opportunities and Conflicts | 1978 | Gary Kah; Larry Palmiter | Unknown | 1978_003_NewBuildingEnergy.pdf | TRUE | No |
38 | 1978_004_1 | Operation and Evaluation of a 50,000 Gallon Anaerobic Digester at the State Honor Farm Dairy, Monroe, Washington | 1978 | David Baylon; Elizabeth Coppinger; Kenneth Smith | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1978_004_OperationEvaluation50kGallon.pdf | TRUE | No |
39 | 1978_005_1 | Operation of a 390 m3 Digester at the Washington Dairy Farm | 1978 | David Baylon; Elizabeth Coppinger; Ronald Hermanson | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1978_005_Operation390m3Digester.pdf | TRUE | No |
40 | 1978_006_1 | Performance of Passive Test Units in Butte, Montana | 1978 | Bob Corbett; Larry Palmiter; Terry Wheeling | Unknown | 1978_006_PerformancePassiveTestUnits.pdf | TRUE | No |
41 | 1978_007_1 | A Feasibility Study and Business Organization Plan for Solar Greenhouse Production, Distribution and Support Services | 1978 | Carol Oberton; David Baylon; Davis Straub; Elizabeth Coppinger; Ken Eklund; Liz Stewart; Tim Magee | Hunger Action Center | 1978_007_FeasibilityStudyBusinessOrgPlan.pdf | TRUE | No |
42 | 1978_008_1 | Report on the Design and Operation of a 50,000 Gallon Anaerobic Manure Digester at the State Honor Farm, Momnroe, Washington | 1978 | David Baylon; Elizabeth Coppinger; Kenneth Smith | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1978_008_ReportDesignFirstYearAnaerobic.pdf | TRUE | No |
43 | 1978_009_1 | Solar/Conservation Remodel Candidates for Seattle City Light | 1978 | Ecotope | Seattle City Light | 1978_009_SolarConservationRemodelCandidates.pdf | TRUE | No |
44 | 1978_010_1 | Operator's Manual for a 100,000 Gallon AnaerobicDigester at the State Honor Farm Dairy Monroe, Washington | 1978 | Carol Oberton; David Baylon; Elizabeth Coppinger; Evan C Brown; Liz Stewart; Pat Moodie; Skip Brink | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1978_010_OperatorsManualAnaerobic.pdf | TRUE | No |
45 | 1978_011_1 | Modeling Performance of a Passively-Heated Parabolic Aquaculture/Greenhouse | 1978 | David Baylon; Davis Straub; Elizabeth Coppinger | Third Annual Conference on Solar Energy for Heating of Greenhouses and Greenhouse-Residence Combinations | 1978_011_ModelingPerformancePassively.pdf | TRUE | No |
46 | 1978_012_1 | Notes on Extending the Concept of Solar Fraction | 1978 | Larry Palmiter | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1978_012_NotesExtendingSolarFraction.pdf | TRUE | No |
47 | 1978_013_1 | Proof of Concept of Two Novel Solar Heated Greenhouses: Quarterly Report | 1978 | Davis Straub | Unknown | 1978_013_ProofConceptTwoNovel.pdf | TRUE | No |
48 | 1978_014_1 | Evaluation of a Solar Heated Greenhouse for the Environmental Farm Project Canyon Park Junior High, Bothell, WA | 1978 | Ecotope | Washington State Department of Ecology | 1978_014_EvaluationSolarHeatedGreenhouse.pdf | TRUE | No |
49 | 1979_001_1 | A Comparison of Performance Factors for Passive Solar Heating | 1979 | L. Blair Hamilton; Larry Palmiter | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1979_001_ComparisonPerformanceFactors.pdf | TRUE | No |
51 | 1979_002_1 | A Passive Solar Computer Simulation Model | 1979 | Larry Palmiter; Terry Wheeling | Unknown | 1979_002_PassiveSolarComputerSimulation.pdf | TRUE | No |
53 | 1979_003_1 | A Radiation Shield for Air Temperature Measurement | 1979 | Bill Wadsworth; Larry Palmiter | PNWSEA - Pacific Northwest Solar Energy Association | 1979_003_RadiationShieldAirTemp.pdf | TRUE | No |
55 | 1979_004_1 | Comparative Solar Economics: Real Cost Comparison | 1979 | Bruce O'Halloran; David Baylon | Unknown | 1979_004_ComparativeSolarEconomics.pdf | TRUE | No |
57 | 1979_005_1 | Development of an Effective Solar Fraction | 1979 | Larry Palmiter | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1979_005_DevelopmentEffectiveSolarFraction.pdf | TRUE | No |
58 | 1979_006_1 | Energy Planning with Solar and Conservation: Individual Values and Community Choice | 1979 | Fred Roach; Larry Palmiter; Scott Noll | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1979_006_EnergyPlanningSolarConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
59 | 1979_007_1 | Low Cost Performance Evaluation of Passive Solar Buildings | 1979 | L. Blair Hamilton; Larry Palmiter; Michael Holtz | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy; SERI - Solar Energy Research Institute | 1979_007_LowCostPerformance.pdf | TRUE | No |
60 | 1979_008_1 | Methane Production from Livestock Manure | 1979 | Ecotope Group | SERI - Solar Energy Research Institute | 1979_008_MethaneProductionLivestock.pdf | TRUE | No |
61 | 1979_009_1 | Passive, Active, and Conservation: An Energetic and Economic Analysis | 1979 | Larry Palmiter; Scott Noll | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1979_009_PassiveActiveConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
62 | 1979_010_1 | Performance of Passive Test Units During the 1978-79 Heating Season | 1979 | Bill Wadsworth; Larry Palmiter; Terry Wheeling | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1979_010_PerformancePassiveTestUnits.pdf | TRUE | No |
63 | 1979_011_1 | Report on the Design and Operation of a Full Scale Anaerobic Dairy Manure Digester | 1979 | David Baylon; David Smith; Elizabeth Coppinger; Jack Brautigam; John Lenart | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1979_011_ReportDesignOperationFullScale.pdf | TRUE | No |
64 | 1979_012_1 | Summary of Passive Test Unit Performance | 1979 | Bill Wadsworth; Larry Palmiter; Terry Wheeling | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1979_012_SummaryPassiveTestUnitPerformance.pdf | TRUE | No |
65 | 1979_013_1 | The Effect of Solar Energy on Aquaculture Support: A Preliminary Assessment | 1979 | Elizabeth Coppinger | Unknown | 1979_013_EffectSolarEnergyAquaculture.pdf | TRUE | No |
66 | 1979_014_1 | Using A Designer-Oriented Simulation Model | 1979 | Larry Palmiter | New Mexico Solar Energy Association | 1979_014_UsingDesignerOrientedSimulation.pdf | TRUE | No |
67 | 1979_015_1 | Window Performance and the Seattle Energy Code | 1979 | Davis Straub; Larry Palmiter | PNWSEA - Pacific Northwest Solar Energy Association | 1979_015_WindowPerformanceSeattle.pdf | TRUE | No |
68 | 1979_016_1 | 1979 Report of Saskatchewan Conference | 1979 | Barbara Miller; Larry Palmiter | SESCI - Solar Energy Society of Canada, Inc. | 1979_016_ ReportofSaskatchewanConference.pdf | TRUE | No |
69 | 1979_017_1 | Perspectives Use of Solar/Conservation Technologies in State of Washington | 1979 | Annie Stewart; Belinda Boulter; David Baylon; Howard Reichmuth; Jack Brautigam; Steve Worthman; Susan Gross | Joint Solar Planning Group; Western Interstate Energy Board; Western SUN | 1979_017_PerspectivesUseSolarConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
70 | 1979_018_1 | A Solar Greenhouse Guide for the Pacific Northwest | 1979 | Ecotope | Unknown | 1979_018_SolarGreenhouseGuide.pdf | TRUE | No |
71 | 1979_019_1 | Potential for Solar/Conservation Technologies in Washington | 1979 | Annie Stewart; Belinda Boulter; David Baylon; Howard Reichmuth; Jack Brautigam; Steve Worthman; Susan Gross | Joint Solar Planning Group; Western Interstate Energy Board; Western SUN | 1979_019_PotentialSolarConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
72 | 1979_020_1 | A Preliminary Assessment of the Unique Features of a Parabolic Aquaculture/Greenhouse | 1979 | Davis Straub; Evan Brown | U.S. Department of Agriculture | 1979_020_PreliminaryParabolicAquaculture.pdf | TRUE | No |
73 | 1979_021_1 | A Custom-Built Temperature and Solar Data Collection and Transmission System Based on the "Motorola MC600 Evaluation Kit II" | 1979 | Evan C Brown | U.S. Department of Agriculture | 1979_021_CustomBuiltTemperature.pdf | TRUE | No |
74 | 1979_022_1 | Operating Performance of a Solar Aquaculture Greenhouse | 1979 | David Baylon; Davis Straub; Evan C Brown; Steve Worthman | Fourth Annual Conference on Solar Energy for Heating of Greenhouses and Greenhouse-Residence Combinations | 1979_022_OperatingPerformanceSolar.pdf | TRUE | No |
75 | 1979_023_1 | Energy Conservation | 1979 | Ken Eklund | Joint Solar Planning Group; Oregon State Energy Plan | 1979_023_EnergyConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
76 | 1980_001_1 | A Comparison of Empirically Based Solar Radiation Models | 1980 | Davis Straub; Larry Palmiter | SESCI - Solar Energy Society of Canada, Inc. | 1980_001_ComparisonEmpiricallyBased.pdf | TRUE | No |
78 | 1980_001b1 | A Comparison of Empirically Based Solar Radiation Models with Each Other and With Measureed Data from the Seattle-Tacoma Airport | 1980 | Davis Straub | SERI - Solar Energy Research Institute | 1980_001b_ComparisonEmpiricallyBasedSolar.pdf | TRUE | No |
79 | 1980_002_1 | A Review of Hourly Simulation Methods for Passive Solar Residences | 1980 | Larry Palmiter; Terry Wheeling | Western SUN | 1980_002_ReviewHourlySimulationMethods.pdf | TRUE | No |
81 | 1980_003_1 | Comparison of Modeled and Typical Meteorological Year Solar Radiation Values with Measured Data in a Cloudy Climate: Seattle-Tacoma Data | 1980 | David Baylon; Davis Straub; Otto Smith | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1980_003_ComparisonModeledTypical.pdf | TRUE | No |
82 | 1980_005_1 | Preliminary Results From Direct Gain and Selective Surface Trombe Wall Test Units | 1980 | Daniel Hagan; Larry Palmiter; Terry Wheeling | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1980_005_PreliminaryResultsDirectGain.pdf | TRUE | No |
83 | 1980_006_1 | Preliminary Results of Thermosiphon Air Panels Retrofit | 1980 | Bill Wadsworth; Daniel Hagan; Larry Palmiter | PNWSEA - Pacific Northwest Solar Energy Association; SESCI - Solar Energy Society of Canada, Inc. | 1980_006_PreliminaryResultsThermosiphon.pdf | TRUE | No |
84 | 1980_007_1 | Results from Heated Direct Gain and Selective Surface Trombe Wall Test Units | 1980 | Bill Wadsworth; Daniel Hagan; Larry Palmiter; Terry Wheeling | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society; NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1980_007_ResultsHeatedDirectGain.pdf | TRUE | No |
85 | 1980_008_1 | Solar/Conservation Remodel Technologies and Prototype Analysis: A Technical Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis | 1980 | David Baylon; Ken Eklund | The Neighborhood Energy Self-Reliance Project | 1980_008_SolarConservationRemodel.pdf | TRUE | No |
86 | 1980_009_1 | The Turned-Off House | 1980 | Barbara Miller; Larry Palmiter | The Solar Retrofit Book, Rodale Press | 1980_009_TurnedOffHouse.pdf | TRUE | No |
87 | 1980_010_1 | Thermal and Economic Studies of the BEPS Residential Standards | 1980 | Larry Palmiter | Consumer Energy Council of America | 1980_010_ThermalEconomicStudiesBEPS.pdf | TRUE | No |
88 | 1980_011_1 | Building Energy Performance Standards: Manual of Recommended Practice Technical Support Document | 1980 | Bill Camp; Bruce Lampcov; Carol Oberton; Dale Lewis; David Baylon; David Jones; Davis Straub; Jeffrey Cole; Terry Egnor | Science Applications Incorporated | 1980_011_BuildingEnergyPerformanceMan.pdf | TRUE | No |
89 | 1980_011b1 | Building Energy Performance Standards: Manual of Recommended Practice | 1980 | Bill Camp; Bruce Lampcov; Carol Oberton; Dale Lewis; David Baylon; David Jones; Davis Straub; Jeffrey Cole; Terry Egnor | Science Applications Incorporated | 1980_011b_BuildingEnergyPerformance.pdf | TRUE | No |
90 | 1980_012_1 | Preliminary Results of Thermosiphon Air Panel Retrofit | 1980 | Bill Wadsworth; Daniel Hagan; Larry Palmiter | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1980_012_PreliminaryResultsThermosiphon.pdf | TRUE | No |
91 | 1980_013_1 | Prototype Analysis of Conservation and Passive Solar Options in Eastern and Western Washington | 1980 | Davis Straub | Western SUN | 1980_013_PrototypeAnalysisConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
92 | 1980_015_1 | Design Tool for Greenhouse/Residence Simulation | 1980 | Davis Straub | SERI - Solar Energy Research Institute | 1980_015_DesignToolGreenhouse.pdf | TRUE | No |
93 | 1980_016_1 | Evaluation of Low-Cost Thermosiphon Solar Water Heater | 1980 | Bruce Lampcov | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1980_016_EvaluationLowCostThermosiphon.pdf | TRUE | No |
94 | 1980_017_1 | SUNCODE Preliminary Product Announcement | 1980 | Larry Palmiter | Ecotope, Inc., Seattle, WA | 1980_017_SUNCODEPrelimProduct.pdf | TRUE | No |
95 | 1980_018_1 | Simulation of Passive/Hybrid Solar Homes With User-Accessible Computer-Based Design Tool | 1980 | Davis Straub; Morry Browne | Unknown | 1980_018_SimulationPassiveHybridSolar.pdf | TRUE | No |
96 | 1981_001_1 | Annual Load Curves: A New Design Tool | 1981 | Davis Straub; Larry Palmiter | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1981_001_AnnualLoadCurves.pdf | TRUE | No |
98 | 1981_002_1 | Optimum Conservation for Northwest Homes | 1981 | Larry Palmiter | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1981_002_OptimumConservationNorthwest.pdf | TRUE | No |
100 | 1981_003_1 | Optimum Conservation in Direct Gain Homes: A New Freedom for Designers | 1981 | Larry Palmiter | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1981_003_OptimumConservationDirectGain.pdf | TRUE | No |
101 | 1981_003_2 | Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy | 1981 | L. Berglund | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 1981_003_2_ThermalEnvironmentConditions.pdf | TRUE | NO |
102 | 1981_004_1 | Simulation for Passive Design | 1981 | Larry Palmiter | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1981_004_SimulationPassiveDesign.pdf | TRUE | No |
103 | 1981_005_1 | SUNCODE A Program User's Manual | 1981 | Larry Palmiter; Terry Wheeling | Ecotope Group | 1981_005_SUNCODEProgramUsersManual.pdf | TRUE | No |
104 | 1981_006_1 | A Solar Water Heater Workshop Manual | 1981 | Belinda Boulter; Bruce Lampcov; Carol Oberton; David Baylon; Ken Eklund; Randy Skoog; Stuart Gustafson | Ecotope Group | 1981_006_SolarWaterHeaterWorkshop.pdf | TRUE | No |
105 | 1981_007_1 | Solar Energy Training Teacher's Manual, Modules I- IV | 1981 | Ecotope | Ecotope Group | 1981_007_SolarEnergyTrainingI-IV.pdf | TRUE | No |
106 | 1981_008_1 | Solar Energy Training Teacher's Manual, Modules V | 1981 | Ecotope | Ecotope Group | 1981_008_SolarEnergyTrainingV.pdf | TRUE | No |
107 | 1981_009_1 | Solar Energy Training Teacher's Manual, Modules VI-VII | 1981 | Ecotope | Ecotope Group | 1981_009_SolarEnergyTrainingVI-VII.pdf | TRUE | No |
109 | 1981_011_1 | A Solar Water Heater | 1981 | Ecotope | Ecotope Group | 1981_011_SolarWaterHeater.pdf | TRUE | No |
110 | 1981_012_1 | Conservation and Passive Solar: A Performance Comparison in Washington State | 1981 | Davis Straub | Unknown | 1981_012_ConservationPassiveSolar.pdf | TRUE | No |
111 | 1981_013_1 | Common Sense Building and Marketing of Affordable Energy Efficient Homes: Builders Design Kit | 1981 | Solar Trades Council of Washington | 1981_013_BuildersDesignKit.pdf | TRUE | No | |
112 | 1981_014_1 | Superinsulation | 1981 | Larry Palmiter | Solar Trades Council of Washington | 1981_014_Superinsulation.pdf | TRUE | No |
113 | 1981_015_1 | Modeled Performance of Passive Solar Homes with Active Rockbins in Three Climatic Regions | 1981 | Davis Straub; Morry Browne; Otto Smith | Unknown | 1981_015_ModeledPerformancePassive.pdf | TRUE | No |
114 | 1981_016_1 | Passive Solar Economics: A Marginal Cost-Benefit Analysis of Passive Solar Designs | 1981 | David Baylon; Davis Straub | Unknown | 1981_016_PassiveSolarEconomics.pdf | TRUE | No |
115 | 1982_001_1 | Cost-Benefit Analysis of Residential Air-to-Air Heat Pumps in the Pacific Northwest | 1982 | Larry Palmiter; Mike Kennedy | PNNL - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | 1982_001_CostBenefitAnalysisResidential.pdf | TRUE | No |
117 | 1982_002_1 | Four Years of Sub-metered Electrical End Use for 45 Northwest Homes | 1982 | Larry Palmiter; Mike Kennedy | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1982_002_FourYearsSubmeteredElectrical.pdf | TRUE | No |
118 | 1982_003_1 | Potential for Conservation of Electrical Energy in Northwest Residences (DRAFT) | 1982 | Larry Palmiter | Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories | 1982_003_PotentialConservationElectrical.pdf | TRUE | No |
120 | 1982_005_1 | A Solar/Conservation Remodel for Seattle | 1982 | Larry Palmiter | Ecotope Group | 1982_005_SolarConservationRemodel.pdf | TRUE | No |
121 | 1983_001_1 | Annual Thermal Utility of Internal Gains | 1983 | Larry Palmiter; Mike Kennedy | ASISES - American Section of the International Solar Energy Society | 1983_001_AnnualThermalUtility.pdf | TRUE | No |
123 | 1983_002_1 | Assessment of Electric Power Conservation and Supply Resources in the Pacific Northwest, Vol 1: Supplement B, Passive Solar, Internal Gains, and Monthly Loads of Residential Buildings (Draft) | 1983 | Larry Palmiter; Mike Kennedy | Pacific Northwest Power and Conservation Planning Council | 1983_002_AssessmentElectricPower.pdf | TRUE | No |
124 | 1983_003_1 | Consumer Economics of Air-to-Air Heat Pumps in the Pacific Northwest | 1983 | Larry Palmiter; Mike Kennedy | Pacific Northwest Power and Conservation Planning Council | 1983_003_ConsumerEconomicsAirToAir.pdf | TRUE | No |
125 | 1983_004_1 | Energy Effects of Passive Solar Design and Internal Gains in Pacific Northwest Residences (Draft Report) | 1983 | Larry Palmiter; Mike Kennedy | PNNL - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | 1983_004_EnergyEffectsPassiveSolar.pdf | TRUE | No |
126 | 1983_005_1 | Energy Conservation Analysis in Multi-Family Structures Task A.3 Energy Conservation Analysis of Three Field Test Buildings | 1983 | Ecotope; United Industries Corporation | Seattle City Light | 1983_005_EnergyConservationAnalysis.pdf | TRUE | No |
127 | 1984_001_1 | Annual Space Heat for New Homes in Washington State | 1984 | Larry Palmiter; Richard Byers | Washington State Energy Office | 1984_001_AnnualSpaceHeatNewHomes.pdf | TRUE | No |
129 | 1984_002_1 | Consumption Characteristics in the Multi-Family Sector | 1984 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter; Mary Jane DeLaHunt | Seattle City Light | 1984_002_ConsumptionCharacteristicsMulti.pdf | TRUE | No |
132 | 1984_004_1 | The Model Conservation Standard Energy Budget Approach Handbook | 1984 | Larry Palmiter; Richard Byers | Washington State Energy Office | 1984_004_ModelConservationStandardEnergy.pdf | TRUE | No |
133 | 1984_005_1 | New Commercial Buildings and Building Codes Study Design | 1984 | Ecotope; Seton, Johnson & Odell, Inc. | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration; DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1984_005_NewCommercialBuildingsCodes.pdf | TRUE | No |
134 | 1984_006_1 | Heat Pump Water Heater Field Test: Site Audit & Performance Study | 1984 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter; Mary Jane DeLaHunt; Mike Kennedy | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1984_006_HeatPumpWaterFieldTest.pdf | TRUE | No |
136 | 1984_008_1 | A Conservation/Solar Remodel: Final Report | 1984 | David Baylon | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1984_008_ConservationSolarRemodelFinal.pdf | TRUE | No |
137 | 1984_009_1 | Memorandum Draft Multi-Family Characteristics Paper | 1984 | Ela Esterberg | Unknown | 1984_009_MemoDraftMultiFamilyCharacteristics.pdf | TRUE | No |
138 | 1984_010_1 | Design Tool for Energy Efficient Homes | 1984 | David Baylon; Ken Eklund | Unknown | 1984_010_DesignToolEnergy.pdf | TRUE | No |
139 | 1985_001_1 | A Basic Program for Calculating Thermal Admittances of Multilayer Walls | 1985 | Larry Palmiter | Ecotope, Inc., Seattle, WA | 1985_001_BasicProgramCalculatingThermal.pdf | TRUE | No |
140 | 1985_002_1 | Ambient Temperature and Electrical Loads in Commercial Buildings (Abstract) | 1985 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1985_002_AmbientTemperature-Abstract.pdf | TRUE | No |
141 | 1985_003_1 | Ambient Temperature and Electrical Loads in Commercial Buildings (Graphs) | 1985 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1985_003_AmbientTemperature-Graphs.pdf | TRUE | No |
142 | 1985_004_1 | An Introduction to Frequency Methods for Building Thermal Analysis | 1985 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1985_004_IntroductionFrequencyMethods.pdf | TRUE | No |
143 | 1985_005_1 | Analysis and Classification of Electrical Load Shapes | 1985 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter | Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories | 1985_005_AnalysisClassificationElectricalLoad.pdf | TRUE | No |
144 | 1985_006_1 | Heat Pump Water Heater Field Test: Final Report | 1985 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter; Mary Jane DeLaHunt; Mike Kennedy | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1985_006_HeatPumpWaterHeaterFieldTest.pdf | TRUE | No |
145 | 1985_007_1 | Measured Performance of 48 Heat Pump Water Heaters | 1985 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter; Mary Jane DeLaHunt; Mike Kennedy | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1985_007_MeasuredPerformance48HeatPump.pdf | TRUE | No |
146 | 1985_008_1 | Measured Performance of Three Superinsulated Homes in Montana | 1985 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1985_008_MeasuredPerformance3Superinsulated.pdf | TRUE | No |
147 | 1985_009_1 | Multi-Family End Use Load Study - Building Energy Audit Summary | 1985 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy | Seattle City Light | 1985_009_MultiFamilyEndUseLoadStudy.pdf | TRUE | No |
148 | 1985_010_1 | Optimal Conservation as a Function of Degree Days Based on 23 Northwest Climates | 1985 | Larry Palmiter; Mary Jane DeLaHunt | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1985_010_OptimalConservationFunctionDegree.pdf | TRUE | No |
149 | 1985_011_1 | SUNCODE-PC: A Microcomputer Version of SERI/RES | 1985 | Larry Palmiter; Mary Jane DeLaHunt | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1985_011_SUNCODEPCMicrocomputerVersion.pdf | TRUE | No |
150 | 1985_012_1 | Conservation Potential for the Multi-Family Sector | 1985 | David Baylon; Mary Jane DeLaHunt | Seattle City Light | 1985_012_ConservationPotentialMultiFamily.pdf | TRUE | No |
151 | 1985_013_1 | Montana Superinsulation Project: The First Six Weeks in Pictures with Special Emphasis on Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers | 1985 | Larry Palmiter | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1985_013_MontanaSuperinsulationProject.pdf | TRUE | No |
152 | 1985_014_1 | Consumption Characteristics in the Multi-Family Sector: Executive Summary | 1985 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter; Mary Jane DeLaHunt | Seattle City Light | 1985_014_ConsumptionCharacteristicsExecSumm.pdf | TRUE | No |
153 | 1985_015_1 | HACK Energy Audit Evaluation Letter | 1985 | David Baylon | King County Housing Authority | 1985_015_HACKEvaluationLetter.pdf | TRUE | No |
154 | 1986_001_1 | A Blower Door Infiltration Assessment on a Selected Seattle Multi-Family Building | 1986 | David Baylon; Mary Jane DeLaHunt | Seattle City Light | 1986_001_BlowerDoorInfiltrationAssessment.pdf | TRUE | No |
156 | 1986_002_1 | Evaluation of the Commercial Audit Program (CAP) Database | 1986 | Mary Jane DeLaHunt | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1986_002_EvaluationCommercialAuditProgram.pdf | TRUE | No |
158 | 1986_003_1 | Issues in Load Shape Representation | 1986 | Erik Pearson; Larry Palmiter | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1986_003_IssuesLoadShapeRepresentation.pdf | TRUE | No |
160 | 1986_004_1 | Large Multi-Family Residential Building Survey Memo | 1986 | Mike Kennedy | Seattle City Light | 1986_004_LargeMultiFamilyResidentialBuilding.pdf | TRUE | No |
162 | 1986_005_1 | Measured Performance of Superinsulated Homes in Montana: Second Report | 1986 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy; ASES - American Solar Energy Society | 1986_005_MeasuredPerformanceSuperinsulated.pdf | TRUE | No |
164 | 1986_006_1 | Relationship Between Ambient Temperature and End Use Loads in Five All-Electric Commercial Buildings (DRAFT) | 1986 | Larry Palmiter; Mark Toney | Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories | 1986_006_RelationshipAmbientTempEndUseLoads.pdf | TRUE | No |
166 | 1986_007_1 | Relationship Between Electrical Loads and Ambient Temperature in Two Monitored Commercial Buildings | 1986 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 1986_007_RelationshipElectricLoadsAmbientTemp.pdf | TRUE | No |
168 | 1986_008_1 | Report on Cost Control and Quality Control in Commercial Conservation Programs | 1986 | Ecotope Inc.; Seton, Johnson & Odell, Inc. | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1986_008_ReportCostControlQualityControl.pdf | TRUE | No |
170 | 1986_009_1 | New Commercial Buildings in the Northwest: Summaries & Graphs | 1986 | Larry Palmiter; Richard Beckerman | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1986_009_NewCommercialBuildingsNW.pdf | TRUE | No |
172 | 1986_010_1 | Direct Calculation of Building Component Admittances | 1986 | Larry Palmiter | W.A. Shurcliff book. "Frequency method of analyzing a building's dynamic thermal performance" | 1986_010_DirectCalculationBuilding.pdf | TRUE | No |
174 | 1986_011_1 | Retrofit Considerations in the Multifamily Sector | 1986 | David Baylon; Mary Jane DeLaHunt | Seattle City Light | 1986_011_RetrofitConsiderations.pdf | TRUE | No |
176 | 1986_012_1 | Precise Timing Estimates for Scheduled Loads in Commercial Buildings | 1986 | Jim Hanford; Larry Palmiter | Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories | 1986_012_PreciseTimingScheduledLoads.pdf | TRUE | No |
186 | 1987_001_1 | Conservation Potential for the Multi-Family Sector | 1987 | David Baylon; Mary Jane DeLaHunt; Mike Kennedy | Seattle City Light | 1987_001_ConservationPotentialMultiFamily.pdf | TRUE | No |
189 | 1987_002_1 | Field Performance Measurement of Heat Recovery Ventilators in Montana | 1987 | Larry Palmiter; Mark Toney | ASES - American Solar Energy Society | 1987_002_FieldPerformanceHeatRecovery.pdf | TRUE | No |
191 | 1987_003_1 | Field Performance of Two Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers in Montana | 1987 | Larry Palmiter; Mark Toney | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1987_003_FieldPerformance2AirToAir.pdf | TRUE | No |
193 | 1987_004_1 | Frequency Response of BEVA Prototypes | 1987 | Larry Palmiter | SERI - Solar Energy Research Institute | 1987_004_FrequencyResponseBEVA.pdf | TRUE | No |
195 | 1987_005_1 | Marketing to Centralized Decisionmakers (Final Report) | 1987 | David Baylon; Gail Katz; Jack Callahan; Jonathan Heller | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1987_005_MarketingCentralizedDecision.pdf | TRUE | No |
198 | 1987_006_1 | Review of Four ELCAP Reports | 1987 | Larry Palmiter; Mark Toney | Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories | 1987_006_ReviewFourELCAP.pdf | TRUE | No |
200 | 1987_007_1 | Service Life of Energy Conservation Measures (Final Report) | 1987 | David Baylon; Marjorie McRae; Michael Rufo | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1987_007_ServiceLifeEnergyConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
202 | 1987_008_1 | The Effect of Solar Gains on Degree-Day Regression Results | 1987 | Larry Palmiter; Mark Toney | ASES - American Solar Energy Society | 1987_008_EffectSolarGainsDegreeDay.pdf | TRUE | No |
204 | 1987_009_1 | Marketing to Centralized Decisionmakers Executive Summary | 1987 | David Baylon; Gail Katz; Jack Callahan; Jonathan Heller | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1987_009_MarketingCentralizedExecSum.pdf | TRUE | No |
209 | 1987_012_1 | Field Performance of Two Air-toAir Heat Exchangers in Montana: Analysis Framework & Preliminary Results | 1987 | Larry Palmiter; Mark Toney | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1987_012_FieldPerformance2Analysis.pdf | TRUE | No |
210 | 1987_013_1 | WATTSUN Files Enhancement | 1987 | Mark Toney | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1987_013_WATTSUNFilesEnhancement.pdf | TRUE | No |
211 | 1987_014_1 | Measure Life of Energy Conservation Measures DRAFT | 1987 | David Baylon; Majorie McRae; Michael Rufo | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1987_014_MeasureLifeEnergyConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
212 | 1987_015_1 | Northwest Residential Infiltration Study Telephone Survey Results | 1987 | Ecotope Inc. | Columbia Information Systems; Washington State Energy Office | 1987_015_NORISTelephoneSurveyResults.pdf | TRUE | No |
213 | 1987_016_1 | Northwest Residential Infiltration Study Preliminary Study Design | 1987 | Larry Palmiter | Washington State Energy Office | 1987_016_NORISPreliminaryStudyDesign.pdf | TRUE | No |
214 | 1987_017_1 | Progress Report on PFT Analysis of Montana Homes & Montana Submetered Graphics | 1987 | Larry Palmiter; Mark Toney | NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology | 1987_017_MontanaSubmeteredGraphics.pdf | TRUE | No |
215 | 1987_018_1 | Blower Door and Energy Performance Analysis Field Work, Interim Report 1 | 1987 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller; Mark Toney | ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory | 1987_018_BlowerDoorReport1.pdf | TRUE | No |
216 | 1987_019_1 | Blower Door and Energy Performance Analysis Field Work, Interim Report 2 | 1987 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller; Mark Toney | ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory | 1987_019_BlowerDoorReport2.pdf | TRUE | No |
218 | 1987_021_1 | Reconstruction of Weather Data for Hood River, West Hood River and Parkdale | 1987 | Larry Palmiter; Mark Toney | Pacific Power and Light | 1987_021_ReconstructionWeatherData.pdf | TRUE | No |
220 | 1988_001_1 | A Study of Ventilation in an Energy-Efficient Home Using the Perfluorocarbon Tracer Technique | 1988 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1988_001_StudyVentilationEnergyEfficientHome.pdf | TRUE | No |
221 | 1988_002_1 | A Study of Ventilation in Energy-Efficient Homes Using the Perfluorocarbon Tracer Technique | 1988 | Barbara Miller; Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1988_002_StudyVentilationEnergyEfficientHomes.pdf | TRUE | No |
223 | 1988_003_1 | An Evaluation of the Residential Point System for Compliance to the Super Good Cents Technical Specifications: Residential Point System Revision Task III | 1988 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller; Vince Scheuler | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1988_003_EvaluationResidentialPointSystem.pdf | TRUE | No |
225 | 1988_004_1 | Analysis of the Agreement Between Predicted and Monitored Annual Space Heat for a Large Sample of Homes in the Pacific Northwest | 1988 | Larry Palmiter; Richard Byers | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1988_004_AnalysisAgreementPredictedMonitored.pdf | TRUE | No |
226 | 1988_005_1 | Energy Efficiency Decision-Making in Chains and Franchises | 1988 | Claire Hobson; David Baylon; Frederick Gordon; Gail Katz | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy; BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1988_005_EnergyEfficiencyDecisionMaking.pdf | TRUE | No |
227 | 1988_006_1 | Methodology and Results of Blower Door Testing in Small Multi-Family Buildings | 1988 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1988_006_MethodologyResultsBlowerDoor.pdf | TRUE | No |
228 | 1988_007_1 | Preliminary Evaluation of Two Short-Term Building Test Methods | 1988 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter; Mark Toney | SERI - Solar Energy Research Institute | 1988_007_PreliminaryEvaluation2ShortTerm.pdf | TRUE | No |
229 | 1988_008_1 | SUNDAY Calibration Informal Progress Report | 1988 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter; Mike Kennedy | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1988_008_SUNDAYCalibrationInformalProgress.pdf | TRUE | No |
230 | 1988_009_1 | Super Good Cents Heat Loss Reference, Volume I Heat Loss Assumptions and Calculations | 1988 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1988_009_SuperGoodCentsHeat-V1.pdf | TRUE | No |
231 | 1988_010_1 | Super Good Cents Heat Loss Reference, Volume II Heat Loss Coefficient Tables | 1988 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1988_010_SuperGoodCentsHeat-V2.pdf | TRUE | No |
232 | 1988_011_1 | Use of Commercial Energy Efficiency Measure Service Life Estimates in Program and Resource Planning | 1988 | David Baylon; Frederick Gordon; Marjorie McRae; Michael Rufo | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1988_011_UseCommercialEnergyEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
233 | 1988_012_1 | Northwest Residential Infiltration Survey Study Design & Sample Survey | 1988 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter; Mark Toney | Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories | 1988_012_NorthwestResidentialInfiltrationSurvey.pdf | TRUE | No |
234 | 1988_013_1 | Major Projects Rule Phase II Evaluation First Year Report | 1988 | Ecotope Inc.; Momentum Engineering; Synergic Resources Corp. | Seattle City Light | 1988_013_MajorProjectsRuleFirstYear.pdf | TRUE | No |
235 | 1988_014_1 | Major Projects Requirement Phase II Evaluation Interim Report I: Building Selection | 1988 | Ecotope Inc.; Seton, Johnson & Odell, Inc.; Synergic Resources Corp. | Seattle City Light | 1988_014_MajorProjectsRequirements.pdf | TRUE | No |
236 | 1988_015_1 | Energy Performance Evaluation of Three Prototype Buildings in Arizona | 1988 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller | Creston Technology | 1988_015_EnergyPerformanceEval3Prototype.pdf | TRUE | No |
237 | 1988_016_1 | NW Residential Infiltration Survey Bias Assessment Summary | 1988 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter | Washington State Energy Office | 1988_016_NWResidentialInfiltrationBiasAssess.pdf | TRUE | No |
238 | 1988_017_1 | Analysis of Agreement Between Predicted and Monitored Annual Space Heat Use for a Large Sample of Homes in the Pacific Northwest | 1988 | Larry Palmiter; Richard Byers | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1988_017_AnalysisAgreementPredicted.pdf | TRUE | No |
239 | 1988_018_1 | Evaluation of Infiltration in Residential Units Constructed to Model Conservation Standards | 1988 | David Baylon; James O. Kolb | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1988_018_EvaluationInfiltrationResidential.pdf | TRUE | No |
240 | 1988_019_1 | Evaluation and Comparison of Short Term Test Methods by Means of Numerical Simulation | 1988 | Larry Palmiter | NREL - National Renewable Energy Laboratory | 1988_019_EvaluationComparisonShortTermTest.pdf | TRUE | No |
242 | 1988_021_1 | Conclusions and Recommendations Sections of Air Infiltration Study | 1988 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller | ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory | 1988_021_ConclusionsAirInfiltrationMemo.pdf | TRUE | No |
243 | 1988_022_1 | The Service Life of Energy Conservation Measures | 1988 | David Baylon; Marjorie McRae; Michael Rufo; Robert Guddat | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 1988_022_1_ServiceLifeEnergy.pdf | TRUE | No |
244 | 1988_023_1 | Major Projects Requirement Phase II Evaluation Interim Report II: Walk Though Engineering Evaluation | 1988 | Chute Engineering; Ecotope; SJO Consulting Engineering | Seattle City Light | 1988_023_1_MajorProjectsRequirement.pdf | TRUE | No |
245 | 1988_024_1 | Major Projects Requirement Phase II Evaluation Interim Report III: Walk Though Engineering Evaluation | 1988 | Ecotope; SJO Consulting Engineering; Synergic Resources Corporation | Seattle City Light | 1988_024_1_MajorProjectsRequirement.pdf | TRUE | No |
246 | 1988_025_1 | Major Projects Requirement Phase II Evaluation Interim Report IV: Walk Though Engineering Evaluation | 1988 | Ecotope; Momentum Engineering | Unknown | 1988_025_1_MajorProjectRequirement.pdf | TRUE | No |
247 | 1988_026_1 | Major Projects Requirement Phase II Evaluation Interim Report V: Walk Though Engineering Evaluation | 1988 | Ecotope; Momentum Engineering | Seattle City Light | 1988_026_1_MajorProjectsRequirement.pdf | TRUE | No |
248 | 1989_001_1 | Conservation Impacts in the Residential Sector for the Tennessee Valley Authority and American Electric Power Corporation Service Territories | 1989 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller | Center Clean Air Policy, The | 1989_001_ConservationImpactsResidential.pdf | TRUE | No |
250 | 1989_002_1 | Evaluation of the Annual Load Curves | 1989 | Mike Kennedy | Washington State Energy Office | 1989_002_EvaluationAnnualLoadCurves.pdf | TRUE | No |
252 | 1989_003_1 | Examination of PFT Problems in RCDP and NORIS II Field Tests | 1989 | Larry Palmiter | Washington State Energy Office | 1989_003_ExaminationPFTProblemsRCDP.pdf | TRUE | No |
254 | 1989_004_1 | Lost Conservation Opportunities Created by Remodeling and Renovation in the Commercial Sector | 1989 | David Baylon; Frederick Gordon; Gail Katz | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration; DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1989_004_LostConservationOpportunities.pdf | TRUE | No |
256 | 1989_004A1 | Lost Conservation Opportunities Created by Remodeling and Renovation in the Commercial Sector Prototype Analysis: Retaurant, Convenience Store, Motel | 1989 | David Baylon; Gail Katz; Mike Kennedy | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1989_004A_LostConservationPrototypeAnalysis.pdf | TRUE | No |
257 | 1989_005_1 | Major Projects Rule - Phase II Evaluation (Final Report) | 1989 | David Baylon; Gail Katz; Jim Heidell; Jonathan Heller | Seattle City Light | 1989_005_MajorProjectsRulePhase2Eval.pdf | TRUE | No |
259 | 1989_006_1 | Northwest Residential Infiltration Study Vol. II: Sample Selection and Bias Assessment | 1989 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration; DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1989_006_NorthwestResidentialInfiltration-V2.pdf | TRUE | No |
261 | 1989_007_1 | Northwest Residential Infiltration Survey Vol. I: Analysis and Results | 1989 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration; DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1989_007_NorthwestResidentialInfiltration-V1.pdf | TRUE | No |
263 | 1989_008_1 | Northwest Residential Infiltration Survey: Analysis and Results | 1989 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter | Washington State Energy Office | 1989_008_NorthwestResidentialInfiltration.pdf | TRUE | No |
265 | 1989_009_1 | The Northwest Residential Infiltration Survey: Description and Summary of Results | 1989 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 1989_009_NorthwestResidentialInfiltration.pdf | TRUE | No |
267 | 1989_010_1 | The Northwest Residential Infiltration Survey: Description and Summary of Results | 1989 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1989_010_NorthwestResidentialInfiltration.pdf | TRUE | No |
269 | 1989_011_1 | Major Projects Rule Phase II Evaluation Preliminary Findings and Progrss Report | 1989 | Ecotope Inc.; Gail Katz; Synergic Resources Corp. | Seattle City Light | 1989_011_MajorProjectsRulePrelimFind.pdf | TRUE | No |
271 | 1989_012_1 | Major Projects Rule Phase II Evaluation Preliminary Findings and Progress Report Lighting | 1989 | David Baylon; Gail Katz; Jim Heidell | Seattle City Light | 1989_012_MajorProjectsRuleLighting.pdf | TRUE | No |
273 | 1989_013_1 | Northwest Residential Infiltration Survey Cycle 2: Study Design & SampleSelection | 1989 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller; Larry Palmiter | Washington State Energy Office | 1989_013_NWResidentialInfiltrCycle2.pdf | TRUE | No |
275 | 1989_014_1 | NORIS Protocol Cycle 2 Field Reference Manual | 1989 | Ecotope Inc. | Washington State Energy Office | 1989_014_NORISProtocolCycle2FieldManual.pdf | TRUE | No |
277 | 1989_015_1 | Lost Energy Conservation Opportunites in the Commercial Sector Due to Renovation and Remodeling: Interim Report I Remodel/Renovation Activity | 1989 | Unknown | Unknown | 1989_015_LostEnergyConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
278 | 1989_016_1 | Model Conservation Standards Field Evaluation Protocol | 1989 | Ecotope Inc. | ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory | 1989_016_ModelConservationStandards.pdf | TRUE | No |
279 | 1990_001_1 | Infiltration and Ventilation in New Electrically-Heated Homes in the Pacific Northwest | 1990 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1990_001_InfiltrationVentilationNewElectrically.pdf | TRUE | No |
281 | 1990_002_1 | Manufactured Homes Cost Data Analysis Report | 1990 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Mike Lubliner | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1990_002_ManufacturedHomesCostData.pdf | TRUE | No |
283 | 1990_002b1 | Manufactured Homes Cost Data Analysis Report DRAFT | 1990 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Mike Lubliner | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1990_002b_ManufacturedHomesCostDRAFT.pdf | TRUE | No |
284 | 1990_003_1 | Manufactured Homes Simulated Thermal Analysis and Cost Effectiveness Report | 1990 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Mike Lubliner | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1990_003_ManufacturedHomesSimulated.pdf | TRUE | No |
286 | 1990_004_1 | Northwest Residential Infiltration Survey Cycle II: Infiltration in New Electrically Heated Homes in Snohomish County | 1990 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | Washington State Energy Office | 1990_004_NorthwestResidentialInfiltrationCycle2.pdf | TRUE | No |
288 | 1990_005_1 | Residential Conservation Demonstration Project - Cycle III - [RCDP3]: Field Evaluation Basic Information Protocol (Field Reference Manual) | 1990 | Jonathan Heller | Unknown | 1990_005_ResidentialConservationDemoCycle3.pdf | TRUE | No |
289 | 1990_006_1 | Residential Construction Demonstration Project, Cycle II: Infiltration and Ventilation in New Electrically-Heated Homes in the Pacific Northwest | 1990 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | Washington State Energy Office | 1990_006_ResidentialConstructionDemoCycle2.pdf | TRUE | No |
290 | 1990_007_1 | Evaluation of Performance-Based Energy Codes for Large Office Buildings | 1990 | David Baylon; David Sumi; Gail Katz; Jonathan Heller | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy; Seattle City Light | 1990_007_EvaluationPerformanceBasedEnergy.pdf | TRUE | No |
291 | 1990_008_1 | Residential Construction Demonstration Project, Cycle II: Measured Infiltration and Ventilation in Manufactured Homes | 1990 | David Baylon; Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1990_008_RCDPCycleIIMeasuredInfil.pdf | TRUE | No |
292 | 1991_001_1 | Super Good Cents Heat Loss Reference, Volume III Manufactured Homes: Heat Loss Assumptions and Calculations; Heat Loss Coefficient Tables | 1990 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Mike Kennedy | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1991_001_SuperGoodCentsHeat-V3.pdf | TRUE | No |
294 | 1991_002_1 | A Simplified Heating System Equipment Model | 1991 | Mike Kennedy | Washington State Energy Office | 1991_002_SimplifiedHeatingSystemEquipment.pdf | TRUE | No |
296 | 1991_003_1 | Energy Conservation in Public Buildings | 1991 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Gail Katz; Jonathan Heller | Washington State Energy Office | 1991_003_EnergyConservationPublicBuildings.pdf | TRUE | No |
298 | 1991_004_1 | Interaction of Mechanical Systems and Natural Ventilation | 1991 | Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | Unknown | 1991_004_InteractionMechanicalSystemsNatural.pdf | TRUE | No |
300 | 1991_005_1 | Manufactured Homes Thermal Analysis and Cost Effectiveness Report | 1991 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Ian Brown; Mike Kennedy; Mike Lubliner; Stephen Onisko | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1991_005_ManufacturedHomesThermal.pdf | TRUE | No |
302 | 1991_006_1 | Measured Infiltration and Ventilation in 472 All-Electric Homes | 1991 | Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 1991_006_MeasuredInfiltrationVentilation472All.pdf | TRUE | No |
304 | 1991_007_1 | Modeled and Measured Infiltration: A Detailed Case Study of Four Electrically Heated Homes | 1991 | Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | Electric Power Research Institute | 1991_007_ModeledMeasuredInfiltrationDetailed.pdf | TRUE | No |
306 | 1991_008_1 | Proposed Methodology for In Situ Measurement of Residential Electric Heating Systems under Typical Winter Conditions | 1991 | Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | Washington State Energy Office | 1991_008_ProposedMethodologyInSituMeasure.pdf | TRUE | No |
309 | 1991_010_1 | Residential Construction Demonstration Project: Cycle III - Innovative Ventilation System Case Study #1-7 | 1991 | Jonathan Heller | Unknown | 1991_010_RCDP3CaseStudies1-7.pdf | TRUE | No |
311 | 1991_011_1 | Residential Construction Demonstration Project: Heating System Performance Testing | 1991 | Larry Palmiter | Washington State Energy Office | 1991_011_ResidentialConstructionDemo.pdf | TRUE | No |
313 | 1991_012_1 | Super Good Cents Heat Loss Reference, Volume IV: Earth Contact: Assumptions, Calculations and Coefficient Tables | 1991 | Mike Kennedy | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1991_012_SuperGoodCentsHeat-V4.pdf | TRUE | No |
315 | 1991_013_1 | Proposed CoolingEnergy Prediction Technique: For Use in the WATTSUN Program | 1991 | Jonathan Heller | Unknown | 1991_013_ProposedCoolingEnergyPrediction.pdf | TRUE | No |
317 | 1991_014_1 | The Impact of Bonneville's Model Conservation Standards on the Energy Efficiency of New Home Construction | 1991 | David Baylon; Dennis L. White; James O. Kolb; M. Hossein Haeri; Marilyn A. Brown | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1991_014_ImpactBonnevillesModel.pdf | TRUE | No |
319 | 1991_015_1 | Residential Construction Demonstration Project Cycle II Appliance Analysis | 1991 | Brian Lagerberg; Maureen Quaid; Rick Kunkle | Washington State Energy Office | 1991_015_RCDPCycleIIAppliance.pdf | TRUE | No |
321 | 1991_016_1 | Pilot Study: Commercial Building Energy Code Compliance Evaluation | 1991 | David Baylon | Oregon Department of Energy; Washington State Energy Office | 1991_016_CommercialBuildingEnergyCodePilot.pdf | TRUE | No |
322 | 1991_016_2 | Methods of Testing for Rating Combination Space-Heatingand Water-Heating Appliances | 1991 | Robert Cook | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 1991_016_2_MethodsTestingRatingCombination.pdf | TRUE | No |
323 | 1991_017_1 | Wattsun Technical Support Miscellaneous Details Document | 1991 | Mike Kennedy | Washington State Energy Office | 1991_017_WattsunTechnicalSupport.pdf | TRUE | No |
324 | 1991_018_1 | Review of Insulation Options for Washington State Energy Code | 1991 | David Baylon | Owens Corning | 1991_018_ReviewInsulationOptionsWSCode.pdf | TRUE | No |
325 | 1992_001_1 | Commercial Building Energy Code Compliance in Washington and Oregon (Executive Summary) | 1992 | David Baylon | Oregon Department of Energy; Washington State Energy Office | 1992_001_CommercialBuildingEnergyCode.pdf | TRUE | No |
327 | 1992_002_1 | Domestic Hot Water Electrical Consumption in Manufactured Home - Residential Construction Demonstration Project, Cycle II (Draft Report) | 1992 | Carolyn Roos | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1992_002_DomesticHotWaterElectrical.pdf | TRUE | No |
329 | 1992_003_1 | Energy Code Compliance in Commercial Buildings in Washington and Oregon | 1992 | Curtis Clark; David Baylon; Mark Frankel | Oregon Department of Energy; Washington State Energy Office | 1992_003_EnergyCodeCompliance.pdf | TRUE | No |
331 | 1992_004_1 | Energy Savings of Commercial Energy Code Compliance in Washington and Oregon | 1992 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1992_004_EnergySavingsCommercialEnergyCode.pdf | TRUE | No |
333 | 1992_005_1 | Impact of Mechanical Systems on Ventilation and Infiltration in Homes | 1992 | Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1992_005_ImpactMechanicalSystemsVentilation.pdf | TRUE | No |
334 | 1992_005_2 | Proposed Rule Making: Washington State Energy Code | 1992 | Washington State Building Code Council | Unknown | 1992_005_2_WAStateEnergyCode.pdf | TRUE | No |
335 | 1992_006_1 | Manufactured Homes Acquisition Program: Heat Loss Assumptions and Calculations, Heat Loss Coefficient Tables | 1992 | Bob Davis; David Baylon | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1992_006_ManufacturedHomesAcquisition.pdf | TRUE | No |
336 | 1992_006_2 | Evaluation of Combination Space-Heating/Water-Heating Systems | 1992 | J.G. Murray; R.A. Borgeson; S.G. Talbert; V.P. Kam | Gas Research Institute | 1992_006_2_EvaluationCombinationSpaceHeating.pdf | TRUE | No |
337 | 1992_006a1 | Manufactured Homes Acquisition Program: Heat Loss Assumptions and Calculations, Heat Loss Coefficient Tables | 1992 | Bob Davis | Unknown | 1992_006a_ManufacturedHomesAcquisition.pdf | TRUE | No |
338 | 1992_007_1 | Measured Infiltration and Ventilation in Manufactured Homes, Residential Construction Demonstration Project, Cycle II | 1992 | David Baylon; Ian Brown; Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1992_007_MeasuredInfiltrationVentilationRCDP2.pdf | TRUE | No |
339 | 1992_008_1 | RCDP Cycle III Heating System Investigations: Preliminary Results for Eleven Homes | 1992 | J. Olson; Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | Washington State Energy Office | 1992_008_RCDP3HeatingSystemInvestigation.pdf | TRUE | No |
340 | 1992_009_1 | Residential Construction Demonstration Project: Cycle III: Analysis of Innovative Ventilation Systems in Multifamily Buildings (Final Report) | 1992 | Jonathan Heller | Washington State Energy Office | 1992_009_ResidentialConstructionDemoCycle3.pdf | TRUE | No |
341 | 1992_009a1 | Residential Construction Demonstration Project: Cycle III: Analysis of Innovative Ventilation Systems in Multifamily Buildings: Executive Summary | 1992 | Jonathan Heller | Washington State Energy Office | 1992_009a_RCDP3AnalysisExecSummary.pdf | TRUE | No |
342 | 1992_010_1 | Manufactured Housing Acquisition Program (MAP): Field Evaluation Basic Information Protocol (Draft) | 1992 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller | Unknown | 1992_010_MAPFieldEvaluation.pdf | TRUE | No |
343 | 1992_011_1 | Cost-Effectiveness of the Manufactured Housing Acquisition Program DRAFT | 1992 | Bob Davis; David Baylon | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1992_011_CostEffectivenessMAP.pdf | TRUE | No |
344 | 1992_012_1 | Commercial Building Energy Code Compliance in Washington | 1992 | Curtis Clark; David Baylon; Mark Frankel | Washington State Energy Office | 1992_012_CommercialBuildingEnergyWashington.pdf | TRUE | No |
345 | 1992_013_1 | Commercial Building Energy Code Compliance Appendix F | 1992 | Clark's Energy Services Corporation; Ecotope Inc. | Washington State Energy Office | 1992_013_CommercialBuildingEnergyAppendixF.pdf | TRUE | No |
346 | 1992_014_1 | Commercial Building Energy Code Compliance Appendix G: Building Summaries State of Oregon | 1992 | Clark's Energy Services Corporation; Ecotope Inc. | Oregon Department of Energy | 1992_014_CommercialBuildingEnergyAppendixG.pdf | TRUE | No |
347 | 1992_015_1 | Commercial Building Energy Code Compliance Oregon | 1992 | Clark's Energy Services Corporation; Curtis Clark; David Baylon; Mark Frankel | Oregon Department of Energy | 1992_015_CommercialBuildingEnergyOregon.pdf | TRUE | No |
348 | 1992_016_1 | Modeled and Measured Infiltration: Phase II A detailed case study of three homes | 1992 | Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | Electric Power Research Institute | 1992_016_ModeledMeasuredInfilPhaseII.pdf | TRUE | No |
349 | 1992_017_1 | RCDP3 Analysis of Innovative Ventilation Systems in Multifamily Buildings Appendices C-I Case Study Reports | 1992 | Jonathan Heller | Washington State Energy Office | 1992_017_RCDP3AppenC-I.pdf | TRUE | No |
350 | 1992_018_1 | Mechanical Ventilation in HUD-Code Manufactured Housing in the Pacific Northwest | 1992 | Bob Davis; Don T. Stevens; Mike Lubliner | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 1992_018_MechanicalVentilationHUD.pdf | TRUE | No |
351 | 1992_019_1 | Commercial Building Energy Code Compliance in Washington and Oregon | 1992 | David Baylon | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1992_019_CommercialBuildingEnergyCode.pdf | TRUE | No |
352 | 1992_020_1 | Energy Savings in Commercial Buildings: Impact of 1993 Washington Energy Code (Draft) | 1992 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy | Unknown | 1992_020_Impact1993WashingtonEnergyCode.pdf | TRUE | No |
353 | 1992_021_1 | Analysis of Impact of Juno Air-Loc Recessed Light Fixtures in Residential Applications | 1992 | Jonathan Heller | Juno Lighting | 1992_021_AnalysisImpactJunoAirLoc.pdf | TRUE | No |
354 | 1992_022_1 | Testimony Proposed Revisions to the Washington State Energy Code for Non-Residential Buildings | 1992 | David Baylon | Unknown | 1992_022_TestimonyRevisionWACode.pdf | TRUE | NO |
356 | 1993_001_1 | Analysis of Impact of Juno Air-Loc Recessed Light Fixtures in Residential Applications in Canada | 1993 | Jonathan Heller | Juno Lighting | 1993_001_AnalysisImpactJunoAirLocCanada.pdf | TRUE | No |
358 | 1993_002_1 | Comparison of PRISM Results with Submetered Energy Use Data in Manufactured Homes - Residential Construction Demonstration Project, Cycle II | 1993 | Carolyn Roos; David Baylon | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1993_002_ComparisonPRISMResultsRCDP2.pdf | TRUE | No |
360 | 1993_003_1 | Cost-Effectiveness of the Manufactured Housing Acquisition Program (MAP) | 1993 | Bob Davis; David Baylon | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1993_003_CostEffectivenessMAP.pdf | TRUE | No |
362 | 1993_004_1 | Evaluation of Energy Savings Associated with CONFORM Wall Systems in Residential Construction | 1993 | Jonathan Heller | Unknown | 1993_004_EvaluationEnergySavingsAssoc.pdf | TRUE | No |
364 | 1993_005_1 | Evaluation of Portland/Vancouver Solar Access Ordinances (Final Report) | 1993 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller; Mark Frankel | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1993_005_EvaluationPortlandVancouver.pdf | TRUE | No |
366 | 1993_006_1 | Field Measurements of the Heating Efficiency of Electric Forced-Air Systems in 24 Homes: RCDP Cycle III Heating Systems Investigations | 1993 | Bob Davis; Joseph R. Olson; Larry Palmiter; Michael Geffon; Tami Bond | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration; Washington State Energy Office | 1993_006_FieldMeasurementsHeatingRCDP3.pdf | TRUE | No |
368 | 1993_007_1 | Manufactured Home Acquisition Program: Evaluation of the Potential for Efficient Lighting in Manufactured Homes (Draft Report) | 1993 | David Baylon; Mark Frankel | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1993_007_ManufacturedHomeAcquisition.pdf | TRUE | No |
370 | 1993_008_1 | Manufactured Housing Acquisition Program (MAP): Ventilation and Heat Recovery System Cost/Benefit Analysis | 1993 | Jonathan Heller | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1993_008_ManufacturedHomesAcquisition.pdf | TRUE | No |
372 | 1993_009_1 | Measured Airflows in a Multifamily Building | 1993 | Jonathan Heller; Larry Palmiter; Max H. Sherman | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy; Electric Power Research Institute | 1993_009_MeasuredAirflowsMultifamily.pdf | TRUE | No |
374 | 1993_010_1 | Non-Space Heating Electrical Consumption in Manufactured Homes - Residential Construction Demonstration Project, Cycle II (Final Report) | 1993 | Carolyn Roos; David Baylon | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1993_010_NonSpaceHeatingElectricalRCDP2.pdf | TRUE | No |
376 | 1993_011_1 | The Thermal Performance and Air Leakage Characteristics of Six Log Homes in Idaho | 1993 | Carolyn Roos; David Baylon; Ken Eklund | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1993_011_ThermalPerformanceAirLeakage.pdf | TRUE | No |
378 | 1993_012_1 | Uncertainties in Fan Pressurization Measurements | 1993 | Larry Palmiter | Electric Power Research Institute | 1993_012_UncertaintiesFanPressurization.pdf | TRUE | No |
380 | 1993_013_1 | Energy Savings in Commercial Buildings: Impact of 1993 Oregon Energy Code (Draft) | 1993 | Mike Kennedy | Unknown | 1993_013_EnergySavingsCommercialBuildings.pdf | TRUE | No |
382 | 1993_014_1 | Moisture Control at the Port Orchard Valley Apartments: Summary of Findings and Recommendations from Site Visit on 4/21/93 | 1993 | Jonathan Heller; Larry Palmiter | Coy and Associates; Kitsap County Consolidated Housing Authority | 1993_014_ MoistureControlPortOrchard.pdf | TRUE | No |
384 | 1993_015_1 | Energy Savings in Commercial Buildings: Impact of the Proposed 1995 Oregon Energy Code (Draft) | 1993 | Mike Kennedy | Unknown | 1993_015_ImpactPropsed1995Oregon.pdf | TRUE | No |
386 | 1993_016_1 | Study Shows That Log Homes in Cold Climates Can meet Energy Efficiency Standards | 1993 | Ken Eklund; Lisa Schwartz | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1993_016_LogHomesColdClimate.pdf | TRUE | No |
388 | 1993_017_1 | The Thermal Performance of Two Log Homes in Idaho | 1993 | Carolyn Roos; David Baylon | Washington State Energy Office | 1993_017_ThermalPerformanceTwoLogHomes.pdf | TRUE | No |
394 | 1994_001_1 | Energy Exchanger Installation Quality Assurance Study (Final Report) | 1994 | Bruce Manclark; Jonathan Heller; Larry Palmiter; Mike Kennedy; Paul Francisco | Washington Water Power Company | 1994_001_EnergyExchangerInstallation.pdf | TRUE | No |
396 | 1994_002_1 | Energy Exchanger Program: Heat Load Estimating Procedures (Final Report) | 1994 | Mike Kennedy | Washington Water Power Company | 1994_002_EnergyExchangerProgram.pdf | TRUE | No |
398 | 1994_003_1 | Field Measurements of Heating Efficiency of Electric Forced-Air Furnaces in 6 Manufactured Homes | 1994 | Bob Davis; Jeff Siegel; Larry Palmiter | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1994_003_FieldMeasurementsHeatingEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
400 | 1994_004_1 | Infiltration and Ventilation Measurements on Three Electrically-Heated Multifamily Buildings | 1994 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1994_004_InfiltrationVentilationMeasurements.pdf | TRUE | No |
402 | 1994_005_1 | Measured Efficiency of Forced-Air Distribution in 24 Homes | 1994 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1994_005_MeasuredEfficiencyForcedAir.pdf | TRUE | No |
404 | 1994_006_1 | Modeled and Measured Infiltration: Phase II - A Detailed Case Study of Three Homes | 1994 | Larry Palmiter; Tami Bond | Electric Power Research Institute | 1994_006_ModeledMeasuredInfiltrationPhase2.pdf | TRUE | No |
406 | 1994_007_1 | Optimum Glazing Levels in Washington State Residences: The Impact of Superwindows on Energy Efficiency | 1994 | David Baylon; Jeff Siegel; Mike Kennedy | Washington State Energy Office | 1994_007_OptimumGlazingLevelsWashington.pdf | TRUE | No |
407 | 1994_008_1 | Oregon Residential Energy Code Compliance Evaluation: Pilot Study Report | 1994 | David Baylon; Mark Frankel | Oregon Department of Energy | 1994_008_OregonResidentialEnergyCodeCompliance.pdf | TRUE | No |
408 | 1994_009_1 | Residential Energy Code Compliance in the State of Oregon (Final Report) | 1994 | David Baylon; Mark Frankel | Oregon Department of Energy | 1994_009_ResidentialEnergyCodeCompliance.pdf | TRUE | No |
409 | 1994_009A1 | Oregon Residential Energy Code Evaluation: Correspondence & Executive Summary | 1994 | Mark Frankel | Oregon Department of Energy | 1994_009A_ORResidential EnergyCodeCorresp.pdf | TRUE | No |
410 | 1994_010_1 | Thermal Evaluation of Grade A Radiant Barriers in Insulated Frame Wall Construction | 1994 | Jonathan Heller | Building Control Technology | 1994_010_ThermalEvaluationGradeA.pdf | TRUE | No |
411 | 1994_011_1 | Washington Natural Gas - Commercial Firm Rate Customer Characteristics: Survey and Data Base | 1994 | Aaron Houseknecht; Mike Kennedy | Washington Natural Gas | 1994_011_WNGCommercialFirm.pdf | TRUE | No |
412 | 1994_012_1 | Special Plans Examiner and Inspector Program: Study of Cost Effectiveness | 1994 | Curtis Clark; Mike Kennedy | UCG - Utility Code Group | 1994_012_SpecialPlansExaminerInspector.pdf | TRUE | No |
413 | 1994_013_1 | Washington State Energy Office Cost Research Advisory Group (CRAG) | 1994 | Unknown | CRAG | 1994_013_WSEOCRAG.pdf | TRUE | No |
414 | 1994_014_1 | Analysis of Thermal Properties of Building Technologies Inc. Foam Wall Systems: Vol. II Quadlock | 1994 | Bob Davis; Jonathan Heller | Unknown | 1994_014_AnalysisThermalPropertiesFoamWall.pdf | TRUE | No |
415 | 1994_015_1 | Air Exchange Impacts on Heat Load: Memo | 1994 | Mike Kennedy | InterOffice Memo | 1994_015_AirExchangeImpactMEMO.pdf | TRUE | No |
416 | 1994_016_1 | Washington Natural Gas 1994 Commercial Customer Survey | 1994 | David Baylon | Unknown | 1994_016_WNGCommercialCustSurvey.pdf | TRUE | No |
417 | 1995_001_1 | Demand-Side Energy Savings in WNG Firm Commercial Sector (Final Report) | 1995 | Aaron Houseknecht; David Baylon; Jim Hanford; Mike Kennedy | Washington Natural Gas | 1995_001_DemandSideEnergySavingsWNG.pdf | TRUE | No |
419 | 1995_002_1 | Manufactured Home Acquisition Program: Analysis of Program Impacts (Final Report) | 1995 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Larry Palmiter | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1995_002_ManufacturedHomesAcquisition.pdf | TRUE | No |
421 | 1995_003_1 | Measured Efficiency Improvements from Duct Retrofits on Six Electrically Heated Homes | 1995 | Joseph R. Olson; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Electric Power Research Institute | 1995_003_MeasuredEfficiencyImprovements.pdf | TRUE | No |
423 | 1995_004_1 | Quality Assurance Review for the Non-Residential Energy Code (Draft) | 1995 | Aaron Houseknecht; David Baylon; Mark Frankel; Maureen Quaid | UCG - Utility Code Group | 1995_004_QualityAssuranceReview.pdf | TRUE | No |
425 | 1995_004B1 | Quality Assurance Review for the Non-Residential Energy Code Executive Summary | 1995 | Aaron Houseknecht; David Baylon; Mark Frankel; Maureen Quaid | UCG - Utility Code Group | 1995_004B_QualityAssuranceReviewExecSumm.pdf | TRUE | No |
426 | 1995_005_1 | Residential Energy Conservation Evaluation: Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Conservation Measures in New Residential Construction in Washington State (Final Report) | 1995 | David Baylon; Mark Frankel; Mike Lubliner | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration; Washington State Energy Office | 1995_005_ResidentialEnergyConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
428 | 1995_006_1 | Washington Natural Gas - Commercial Interruptible Rate Customer Characteristics: Survey and Database | 1995 | Aaron Houseknecht; Mike Kennedy | Washington Natural Gas | 1995_006_WashingtonNaturalGasCommercial.pdf | TRUE | No |
430 | 1995_007_1 | Costs of New Residential Single & Multi-Family Energy Conservation Measures in the Pacific Northwest | 1995 | Andrew Gordon; Mark Frankel; Maureen Quaid; Mike Lubliner; Tom Ossinger | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1995_007_CostsNewResidentialPNW.pdf | TRUE | No |
432 | 1995_008_1 | Review of Residential New Construction DSM Program (Single & MultiFamily Buildings) Pacific Gas and Electric | 1995 | David Baylon; Kevin Geraghty | California Public Utilities Commission Division of Ratepayer Advocacy | 1995_008_ReviewResidentialNewConstruct.pdf | TRUE | No |
434 | 1995_009_2 | Combination Space Heating and Water Heating Market Analysis | 1995 | Henry DeLima; Lois Gerchman; Robert Salcido; Sarah Buchanan | Unknown | 1995_009_2_CombinationSpaceHeating.pdf | TRUE | No |
435 | 1995_009A1 | Costs of New Residential Conservation Measures in the Pacific Northwest: Results of Construction Costs and Practices Study from the Regional Cost Research Advisory Group | 1995 | Andrew Gordon; Mark Frankel; Maureen Quaid; Mike Lubliner; Tom Ossinger | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1995_009A_CostsNewResidentialConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
436 | 1995_009B1 | Costs of New Residential Conservation Measures in the Pacific Northwest Technical Appendix | 1995 | Andrew Gordon; Mark Frankel; Maureen Quaid; Mike Lubliner; Tom Ossinger | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1995_009B_CostsNewResidentialAppendix.pdf | TRUE | No |
437 | 1995_010_1 | Verification of Commercial,Industrial and Agricultural Energy Efficiency Incentive Program: 1994 DSM Earnings Claims Pacific Gas & Electric | 1995 | David Baylon; Kevin Geraghty | California Public Utilities Commission Division of Ratepayer Advocacy | 1995_010_VerificationCommIndAgri.pdf | TRUE | No |
439 | 1995_012_1 | Infiltration and Ventilation Measurements on Three Electrically-Heated Multifamily Buildings | 1995 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco; Tami Bond | Electric Power Research Institute | 1995_012_InfiltrationVentMeasurement3.pdf | TRUE | No |
440 | 1995_014_1 | Memorandum: Commercial Interruptible Rate Building and End Use Characteristics | 1995 | Mike Kennedy | Unknown | 1995_014_WNGMemoCommercialInterruptibleRate.pdf | TRUE | No |
441 | 1995_015_1 | Compliance Procedures for Commercial Buildings Memo | 1995 | David Baylon | UCG - Utility Code Group | 1995_015_ComplianceProceduresCommercialMemo.pdf | TRUE | No |
442 | 1995_016_1 | Energy Savings Evaluation for Washington State NREC MEMO | 1995 | David Baylon | UCG - Utility Code Group | 1995_016_EnergySavingsEvalWANREC.pdf | TRUE | No |
443 | 1995_017_1 | Commercial Core Forecast Segmentation Scheme | 1995 | Rob Gaudin | Mike Kennedy | 1995_017_CommercialCoreForecast.pdf | TRUE | No |
444 | 1996_001_1 | A Practical Method for Estimating the Thermal Efficiency of Residential Forced-Air Distribution Systems | 1996 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1996_001_PracticalMethodEstimatingThermal.pdf | TRUE | No |
446 | 1996_002_1 | Alternative Cellulose Insulation (Draft Final Report) | 1996 | Mark Frankel | Clean Washington Center; ReTAP - Recycling Technology Assistance Partnership | 1996_002_AlternativeCelluloseInsulation.pdf | TRUE | No |
448 | 1996_003_1 | Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes: Technical Reference | 1996 | Bob Davis; David Baylon | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1996_003_EnergyEfficientManufacturedHomes.pdf | TRUE | No |
450 | 1996_004_1 | Field Measurements of Heating System Efficiency in Nine Electrically-Heated Manufactured Homes | 1996 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Jeff Siegel; Larry Palmiter | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 1996_004_FieldMeasurementsHeatingSystem.pdf | TRUE | No |
451 | 1996_004_2 | Consumer's Directory of Certified Efficiency Ratings for Residential Heating and Water Heating Equipment | 1996 | Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association | Unknown | 1996_004_2_ConsumersDirectoryEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
452 | 1996_005_1 | Infiltration and Ventilation Measurements on Three Electrically-Heated Multifamily Buildings | 1996 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco; Tami Bond | Electric Power Research Institute | 1996_005_InfiltrationVentilationMeasurements.pdf | TRUE | No |
453 | 1996_006_1 | Measured Heating System Efficiency Retrofits in Eight Manufactured (HUD Code) Homes (Final Report) | 1996 | Bob Davis; Jeff Siegel; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration; Electric Power Research Institute | 1996_006_MeasuredHeatingSystemEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
454 | 1996_007_1 | Modeled and Measured Infiltration in 10 Single-Family Homes | 1996 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1996_007_ModeledMeasuredInfiltration10SingleFam.pdf | TRUE | No |
455 | 1996_008_1 | Modeled and Measured Infiltration Phase III: A Detailed Case Study of Three Homes (Final Report) | 1996 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Electric Power Research Institute | 1996_008_ModeledMeasuredInfiltrationPhase3.pdf | TRUE | No |
456 | 1996_009_1 | Optimum Glazing Levels in Washington State Residences: The Impact of Superwindows on Energy Efficiency | 1996 | David Baylon; Jeff Siegel; Mike Kennedy | Washington State Energy Office | 1996_009_OptimumGlazingLevelsWA.pdf | TRUE | No |
457 | 1996_010_1 | The 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code: Quality Assurance Program Results | 1996 | David Baylon; Kevin Madison | UCG - Utility Code Group | 1996_010_1994WashingtonStateNREC.pdf | TRUE | No |
459 | 1996_012_1 | Field Measurements of Heating System Efficiency and Air Leakage in Energy-Efficient Manufactured Homes | 1996 | Bob Davis; Jeff Siegel; Larry Palmiter | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1996_012_FieldMeasurementsHeatingSystems.pdf | TRUE | No |
460 | 1996_013_1 | Continental Garden's Housing Project: Energy Conservation Impact Analysis | 1996 | Mark Frankel | Unknown | 1996_013_ContinentalGardensHousing.pdf | TRUE | No |
461 | 1996_014_1 | Framing Lumber and the Cost Effectiveness of 2X6 Construction MEMO | 1996 | David Baylon | Washington Natural Gas | 1996_014_FramingLumber.pdf | TRUE | No |
462 | 1996_015_1 | Performance of Integral Window Vents in SGC Manufactured Homes Field Work Conducted by Ecotope Inc. on 27 April 1996 | 1996 | Bob Davis | Unknown | 1996_015_PerformanceIntegralWindowVents.pdf | TRUE | No |
463 | 1997_001_1 | 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code (NREC) Compliance in Tenant Improvements and Building Renovation Permits | 1997 | Aaron Houseknecht; David Baylon | UCG - Utility Code Group | 1997_001_1994WashingtonStateNREC.pdf | TRUE | No |
465 | 1997_002_1 | A "Good Practices" Manual for the Implementation of Efficient Air Distribution Systems in Manufactured Homes | 1997 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; James Rogers | Southeastern Manufactured Housing Alliance | 1997_002_GoodPracticesManual.pdf | TRUE | No |
466 | 1997_003_1 | A Long Term Strategic Plan for Energy Code Support in the Pacific Northwest | 1997 | Ecotope Inc.; Kevin Madison | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 1997_003_LongTermStrategicPlan.pdf | TRUE | No |
467 | 1997_004_1 | A Technical Review of ASHRAE Standard 152P | 1997 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy; PNNL - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | 1997_004_TechnicalReviewASHRAE152P.pdf | TRUE | No |
468 | 1997_005_1 | Compliance with the 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code (NREC) | 1997 | Aaron Houseknecht; David Baylon; Jonathan Heller; Les Tumidaj | UCG - Utility Code Group | 1997_005_Compliance1994Washington.pdf | TRUE | No |
469 | 1997_006_1 | Compliance with the 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code (NREC) [Appendices Only] | 1997 | Aaron Houseknecht; David Baylon; Jonathan Heller; Les Tumidaj | UCG - Utility Code Group | 1997_006_Compliance1994Washington-Appdx.pdf | TRUE | No |
470 | 1997_007_1 | Development of a Practical Method for Estimating the Thermal Efficiency of Residential Forced-Air Distribution Systems (Final Report) | 1997 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Electric Power Research Institute | 1997_007_DevelopmentPracticalMethod.pdf | TRUE | No |
471 | 1997_009_1 | Energy Consequences of Non-Compliance with 1994 Washington Nonresidential Energy Code | 1997 | Mike Kennedy | Unknown | 1997_009_EnergyConsequencesNonCompliance.pdf | TRUE | No |
472 | 1997_010_1 | Measure Costs | 1997 | Ecotope Inc. | CADMAC - California Demand-Side Management Measurement Advisory Committee | 1997_010_MeasureCostsCADMAC.pdf | TRUE | No |
473 | 1997_011_1 | Measured Heating System Efficiency Retrofits in Eight Manufactured (HUD-Code) Homes | 1997 | Bob Davis; Jeff Siegel; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Electric Power Research Institute; Eugene Water and Electric Board | 1997_011_MeasuredHeatingSystemEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
474 | 1997_012_1 | Optimum Residential Energy Conservation Measures for Use in Revising the Washington State Energy Code | 1997 | David Baylon | Washington Natural Gas | 1997_012_OptimumResidentialEnergy.pdf | TRUE | No |
475 | 1997_013_1 | Market Transformation and California Shared Savings Protocols MEMORANDUM | 1997 | David Baylon | California Energy Commission | 1997_013_MarketTransformationCalifornia.pdf | TRUE | No |
476 | 1997_014_1 | Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance and Market Transformation Issues: A Review of Nonresidential Energy Code Impacts 1987-1997 | 1997 | David Baylon | Washington State University | 1997_014_NonresidentialEnergyCodeCompliance.pdf | TRUE | No |
477 | 1997_015_1 | Market Transformation for Duct & Heating System Improvements | 1997 | Ecotope Inc. | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 1997_015_MarketTransformationDuctHeating.pdf | TRUE | No |
478 | 1998_001_1 | Buying Market Transformation - A Cautionary Tale from the Northwest | 1998 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Tom Hewes | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1998_001_BuyingMarketTransformation.pdf | TRUE | No |
480 | 1998_002_1 | Compliance with the 1994 Nonresidential Washington State Energy Code | 1998 | David Baylon; Kevin Madison | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1998_002_Compliance1994Nonresidential.pdf | TRUE | No |
482 | 1998_003_1 | Cost Effectiveness Matrices for the Duct Retrofit Pilot Program | 1998 | Aaron Houseknecht; Bob Davis; Paul Francisco | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; Oregon Department of Energy | 1998_003_CostEffectivenessMatrices.pdf | TRUE | No |
484 | 1998_004_1 | Cost Effectiveness Tables for the Residential Air Sealing Program (Draft) | 1998 | Aaron Houseknecht; Bob Davis; David Baylon; Paul Francisco | Portland General Electric | 1998_004_CostEffectivenessTables.pdf | TRUE | No |
486 | 1998_005_1 | Developing a Market-Based Utility Duct Sealing Program | 1998 | Aaron Houseknecht; Bob Davis; David Baylon | Unknown | 1998_005_DevelopingMarketBasedUtility.pdf | TRUE | No |
488 | 1998_006_1 | Development of a Simple Device for Field Air Flow Measurement of Residential Air Handling Equipment (Final Report) | 1998 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1998_006_DevelopmentSimpleDevice.pdf | TRUE | No |
489 | 1998_007_1 | Development of Targeted Market Transformation Options | 1998 | Clark's Energy Services Corporation; Ecotope Inc.; Gardner Energy Management Services | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 1998_007_DevelopmentTargetedMarket.pdf | TRUE | No |
490 | 1998_008_1 | Energy Efficient Residential Space Conditioning Certified Duct Efficiency Program | 1998 | Ecotope Inc. | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; Oregon Department of Energy | 1998_008_EnergyEfficientResidential.pdf | TRUE | No |
491 | 1998_009_1 | Measured and Modeled Duct Efficiency in Manufactured Homes: Insights for Standard 152P | 1998 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 1998_009_MeasuredModeledDuctEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
492 | 1998_010_1 | Measured and Modeled Heating Efficiency of Eight Natural Gas-Heated Homes (Final) | 1998 | Bob Davis; Jeff Siegel; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Puget Sound Energy | 1998_010_MeasuredModeledHeatingEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
493 | 1998_011_1 | Measured Heating System Efficiency Retrofits in Eight Manufactured (HUD-Code) Homes | 1998 | Bob Davis; Jeff Siegel; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1998_011_MeasuredHeatingSystemEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
494 | 1998_012_1 | Modeled Duct Distribution Efficiency: Insights for Heat Pumps | 1998 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1998_012_ModeledDuctDistribution.pdf | TRUE | No |
495 | 1998_013_1 | Modeled vs Measured Duct Distribution Efficiency in Six Forced-Air Gas Heated Homes | 1998 | Bob Davis; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1998_013_ModeledVSMeasuredDuct.pdf | TRUE | No |
496 | 1998_014_1 | Modeling the Thermal Distribution Efficiency of Ducts: Comparisons to Measured Results | 1998 | Bob Davis; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Energy and Buildings | 1998_014_ModelingThermalDistribution.pdf | TRUE | No |
497 | 1998_015_1 | Phase I Evaluation: 1997 Duct Retrofit Residential Air Sealing Pilot (RASP) (Final) | 1998 | Ecotope Inc. | Portland General Electric | 1998_015_Phase1Evaluation1997.pdf | TRUE | No |
498 | 1998_016_1 | Compliance with the 1994 Nonresidential Washington State Energy Code | 1998 | David Baylon; Kevin Madison | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 1998_016_Compliance1994Nonresidential.pdf | TRUE | No |
499 | 1998_017_1 | Quality Assurance Guidelines for Statistical, Engineering, and Self-Report Methods for Estimating DSM Program Impacts | 1998 | Dan Violette; David Baylon; Jonathan Heller; Katherine Randazzo; Kevin Geraghty; Pacific Consulting Services; Richard Ridge | CADMAC - California Demand-Side Management Measurement Advisory Committee | 1998_017_QualityAssuranceGuidelines.pdf | TRUE | No |
500 | 1998_018_1 | Quality Assurance Guidelines Engineering Review of Demand-Side Programs | 1998 | David Baylon; Kevin Geraghty | CADMAC - California Demand-Side Management Measurement Advisory Committee | 1998_018_QualityAssuranceGuidelinesEngineering.pdf | TRUE | No |
501 | 1998_019_1 | Evaluationof Edge Heat Loss in Exposed Slab Construction | 1998 | Jonathan Heller; Mark Frankel; Mike Kennedy | Unknown | 1998_019_EvaluationEdgeHeatLoss.pdf | TRUE | No |
502 | 1998_020_1 | Cost Effectiveness Tables for the Duct Retrofit Pilot Program DRAFT | 1998 | Aaron Houseknecht; Bob Davis; David Baylon; Paul Francisco | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; Oregon Department of Energy | 1998_020_CostEffectivenessTablesDucts.pdf | TRUE | No |
503 | 1999_001_1 | A Comparison of the Super Good Cents® Manufactured Housing and Energy Star® Homes Programs | 1999 | David Baylon; Ken Eklund; Mike Lubliner; Tom Eckman | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 1999_001_ComparisonSuperGoodCents.pdf | TRUE | No |
505 | 1999_002_1 | Analysis of Thermal Properties of Building System Ltd.’s QUAD-LOCK® Foam Wall Systems | 1999 | Bob Davis; Jonathan Heller | Building System Limited | 1999_002_AnalysisThermalProperties.pdf | TRUE | No |
507 | 1999_003_1 | Duct Sealing Pilot Program Results | 1999 | Aaron Houseknecht; Bob Davis; David Baylon; Paul Francisco; Shelly Borrelli | Puget Sound Energy | 1999_003_DuctSealingPilot.pdf | TRUE | No |
509 | 1999_003b1 | Duct Sealing Pilot Program Results: Executive Summary | 1999 | Aaron Houseknecht; Bob Davis; David Baylon; Paul Francisco; Shelly Borrelli | Puget Sound Energy | 1999_003b_DuctSealingPilotExecSummary.pdf | TRUE | No |
510 | 1999_004_1 | Evaluation of Energy Savings of the Low Income Gas and Electric Mobile Home Weatherization Pilots (Final Report) | 1999 | Mike Kennedy | Puget Sound Energy | 1999_004_EvaluationEnergySavings.pdf | TRUE | No |
512 | 1999_005_1 | Field Validation of ASHRAE Standard 152 (Final Report) | 1999 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 1999_005_FieldValidationASHRAE152.pdf | TRUE | No |
514 | 1999_006_1 | Improvements to ASHRAE Standard 152P | 1999 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers; DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 1999_006_ImprovementsASHRAEStandard152P.pdf | TRUE | No |
516 | 1999_007_1 | Manufactured Conservation: Transforming New Manufactured Homes in the Pacific Northwest | 1999 | Bob Davis | Unknown | 1999_007_ManufacturedConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
517 | 1999_008_1 | Residential Duct Sealing Cost/Benefit Analysis | 1999 | Bob Davis; David Baylon | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; Oregon Department of Energy | 1999_008_ResidentialDuctSealing.pdf | TRUE | No |
518 | 1999_009_1 | An Energy Star Ratings Comparison for Super Good Cents Manufactured Homes | 1999 | David Baylon | Idaho Department of Natural Resources; NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 1999_009_EnergyStarRatingsComparison.pdf | TRUE | No |
519 | 1999_010_1 | Energy Performance of Northwest Manufactureed Homes - Draft of Baseline Results MEMO | 1999 | Bob Davis | Idaho Department of Water Resources - Energy Division | 1999_010_EnergyPerformanceNWMan.pdf | TRUE | No |
520 | 1999_011_1 | Energy Savings Estimation Procedures For the Duct Retrofit Pilot Program | 1999 | Aaron Houseknecht; Bob Davis; David Baylon; Paul Francisco | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; Oregon Department of Energy | 1999_011_EnergySavingsEstimation.pdf | TRUE | No |
521 | 1999_012_1 | NEEA Duct Retrofit Program: Zone 1 Cost Effectiveness MEMO | 1999 | David Baylon | Oregon Department of Energy | 1999_012_NEEADuctRetrofit.pdf | TRUE | No |
522 | 1999_013_1 | Chumstick Powerline Environmental Assessment MEMO | 1999 | David Baylon | Mike Peterson, Lands Council; Northwest Ecosystem Alliance | 1999_013_ChumstickPowerline.pdf | TRUE | No |
523 | 2000_001_1 | A New Device for Field Measurement of Air Handler Flows | 2000 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2000_001_NewDeviceFieldMeasurement.pdf | TRUE | No |
525 | 2000_002_1 | Baseline Characteristics of the Multi-Family Sectors: Oregon and Washington | 2000 | Alison Roberts; David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Shelly Borrelli | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2000_002_BaselineCharacteristicsMultiFam.pdf | TRUE | No |
527 | 2000_003_1 | Baseline Commercial Construction Practices in the Pacific Northwest | 2000 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Shelly Borrelli | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2000_003_BaselineCommercialConstruction.pdf | TRUE | No |
529 | 2000_004_1 | Development of a Simple Device for Field Air Flow Measurement of Residential Air Handling Equipment: Phase II (Final Report) | 2000 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 2000_004_DevelopmentSimpleDeviceField.pdf | TRUE | No |
531 | 2000_005_1 | Field Validation of Standard 152P | 2000 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 2000_005_FieldValidationStandard152P.pdf | TRUE | No |
532 | 2000_006_1 | Performance of Duct Leakage Measurement Techniques in Estimating Duct Efficiency: Comparison to Measured Results | 2000 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2000_006_PerformanceDuctLeakage.pdf | TRUE | No |
533 | 2000_007_1 | Residential Air Sealing Program | 2000 | Aaron Houseknecht; Bob Davis; David Baylon | Portland General Electric | 2000_007_ResidentialAirSealing.pdf | TRUE | No |
534 | 2000_008_1 | Summary of SGC Manufactured Home Field Data (1997-98 Sitings in Idaho and Washington) | 2000 | Alison Roberts; Bob Davis; David Baylon | Idaho Department of Water Resources - Energy Division | 2000_008_SummarySGCManufactured.pdf | TRUE | No |
535 | 2000_009_1 | The High Performance Housing Partnership (Hp2) in Texas | 2000 | Barbara Miller; Bob Corbett; Jack Bartholomew; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | SECO - State Energy Conservation Office, Austin TX | 2000_009_HighPerformanceHousing.pdf | TRUE | No |
536 | 2000_010_1 | Equations for the Thermal Balance Buffer Space Temperatures and Regain Using Merged Zones | 2000 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Unknown | 2000_010_EquationsForTheThermalBalance.pdf | TRUE | No |
537 | 2000_011_1 | Analysis of Thermal Performance and Energy Savings of NEEM Homes (First Year Analysis) | 2000 | Bob Davis | Idaho Department of Water Resources - Energy Division | 2000_011_AnalysisThermalPerformance.pdf | TRUE | No |
538 | 2000_012_1 | Non-Residential and Multi-Family Baseline Review and Conservation Assessment | 2000 | Ecotope Inc. | Seattle City Light | 2000_012_NonResidentialMultiFamily.pdf | TRUE | No |
539 | 2001_001_1 | Baseline Characteristics of the Non-Residential Sector in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington | 2001 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Shelly Borrelli | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2001_001_BaselineCharacteristicsNonRes.pdf | TRUE | No |
541 | 2001_002_1 | Baseline Characteristics of the Residential Sector in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington | 2001 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Shelly Borrelli | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2001_002_BaselineCharacteristicsRes.pdf | TRUE | No |
543 | 2001_003_1 | Survey of Energy Efficiency in Seattle's New Non-Residential Buildings: 1995-2000 | 2001 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy | Seattle City Light | 2001_003_SCLSeattleNonResidential.pdf | TRUE | No |
545 | 2001_004_1 | The Nulling Test: A New Measurement Technique for Estimating Duct Leakage in Residential Homes | 2001 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy; ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 2001_004_NullingTest.pdf | TRUE | No |
547 | 2001_005_1 | Study of Light Weight Steel Framed Low to Mid Rise Buildings | 2001 | Jonathan Heller | Seattle City Light | 2001_005_LightWeightSteel.pdf | TRUE | No |
548 | 2001_006_1 | Baseline Characteristics of the Multi-Family Sector: Oregon and Washington | 2001 | Alison Roberts; David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Shelly Borrelli | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2001_006_BaselineCharacteristicsMulti.PDF | TRUE | No |
549 | 2001_007_1 | Calibration of Flow Hood and Flow Grids for NETL Project | 2001 | Larry Palmiter | National Energy Technology Laboratory | 2001_007_CalibrationFlowHood.pdf | TRUE | No |
550 | 2001_008_1 | 2001 Seattle Energy Code Amendments Support Documents | 2001 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy | Seattle City Light | 2001_008_2001SeattleEnergyCode.pdf | TRUE | No |
551 | 2001_009_1 | An Evaluation of the DCLU Permit Tracking System as a Tool for Commercial Building Program Development:With related memos and article | 2001 | Mike Kennedy | Seattle City Light | 2001_009_EvaluationDCLUPermitTracking.pdf | TRUE | No |
552 | 2001_012_1 | Market Research Report: Baseline Characteristics of the Residential Sector - Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington | 2001 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Shelly Borrelli | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2001_012_BaselineCharacteristicsResidential.pdf | TRUE | No |
553 | 2001-012_1 | Market Research Report: Baseline Characteristics of the Multi-Family Sectors: Oregon and Washington | 2001 | Alison Roberts; David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Shelly Borrelli | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2001_012_BaselineCharacteristicsofNewMultiFamilyResidential.pdf | TRUE | No |
554 | 2002_001_1 | Cost Effective Energy Conservation Measures in Highrise Residential Buildings: Evaluation of Curtainwall Glazing and HVAC Systems | 2002 | Jonathan Heller | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2002_001_CostEffectiveEnergyConserv.pdf | TRUE | No |
556 | 2002_002_1 | Enhanced Operations and Maintenance Procedures for Small Packaged Rooftop HVAC Systems: Protocol Development, Field Review and Measure Assessment (Final Report) | 2002 | Bruce Manclark; David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Paul Francisco; Robert Davis | Eugene Water and Electric Board | 2002_002_EnhancedOperationsMaintenance.pdf | TRUE | No |
558 | 2002_003_1 | Estimating Deemed Savings from Residential Duct Insulation (Draft) | 2002 | David Baylon; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | NPCC - Northwest Power and Conservation Council | 2002_003_EstimatingDeemedSavings.pdf | TRUE | No |
560 | 2002_004_1 | Field Performance of Two New Residential Duct Leakage Measurement Techniques | 2002 | Bob Davis; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2002_004_FieldPerformanceTwoNewRes.pdf | TRUE | No |
562 | 2002_005_1 | Flow Control Gains in Accuracy | 2002 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Home Energy Journal | 2002_005_FlowControlGains.pdf | TRUE | No |
563 | 2002_006_1 | Heat Pump Calculator Review and Verification | 2002 | Bob Davis; David Baylon | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2002_006_HeatPumpCalculator.pdf | TRUE | No |
564 | 2002_007_1 | Improved Ways to Measure Residential Duct Leakage | 2002 | Bob Davis; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers; DOE - U.S. Department of Energy | 2002_007_ImprovedWaysMeasureRes.pdf | TRUE | No |
565 | 2002_008_1 | Measuring Duct Leakage with a Blower Door: Field Results | 2002 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2002_008_MeasuringDuctLeakage.pdf | TRUE | No |
566 | 2002_009_1 | Cost Effective Energy Conservation Measures in Highrise Residential Buildings:Evaluation of Curtainwall Glazing and HVAC Systems | 2002 | Jonathan Heller | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2002_009_HighRiseReport.pdf | TRUE | No |
567 | 2002_010_1 | Enhanced Maintenance for Small Package Rooftop HVAC Systems Protocol Development and Field Review | 2002 | Bob Davis; Bruce Manclark; David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Paul Francisco | Eugene Water and Electric Board | 2002_010_EnhancedMaintenanceSmall.pdf | TRUE | No |
568 | 2002_011_1 | Energy Savings Estimation for Enhanced Service to Packaged HVAC Rooftop Units | 2002 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy | PECI- Portland Energy Conservation Inc. | 2002_011_EnergySavingsEstimation.pdf | TRUE | No |
569 | 2002_012_1 | 1987 Sample Design and Sampling Frame | 2002 | David Baylon | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2002_012_1987SampleDesign.pdf | TRUE | No |
570 | 2002_013_1 | Comparison Of Measured and Modeled Economizer operation | 2002 | Bob Davis | Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. | 2002_013_ComparisonMeasureedModeledEconomizer.pdf | TRUE | No |
571 | 2003_001_1 | Analysis of Rebate Measures in the Commercial New Construction Sector | 2003 | David Baylon; Shelly Borrelli | Puget Sound Energy | 2003_001_AnalysisRebateMeasures.pdf | TRUE | No |
573 | 2003_002_1 | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Measure Resource Assessment for the Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural Sectors | 2003 | Ecotope, Inc | Energy Trust of Oregon | 2003_002_EnergyEfficiencyConservation.pdf | TRUE | No |
575 | 2003_003_1 | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Measure Resource Assessment for the Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural Sectors (Appendix A and B only) | 2003 | Ecotope, Inc. | Energy Trust of Oregon | 2003_003_EnergyEfficiencyConservation-Appdx.pdf | TRUE | No |
577 | 2003_004_1 | Field Evaluation of a New Device to Measure Air Handler Flow | 2003 | Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 2003_004_FieldEvaluationNewDevice.pdf | TRUE | No |
578 | 2003_004_2 | BetterBricks Albertsons Skylight Analysis Final Report | 2003 | Ecotope Inc.; VaCom Technologies | BetterBricks; NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2003_004_BetterBricksAlbertsons.pdf | TRUE | No |
579 | 2003_005_1 | Field Evaluation of Improved Methods for Measuring the Air Leakage of Duct Systems Under Normal Operating Conditions in 51 Homes (Final Report) | 2003 | Bob Davis; Erin Kruse; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | National Energy Technology Laboratory | 2003_005_FieldEvaluationImproved.pdf | TRUE | No |
580 | 2003_006_1 | Insights into Improved Ways to Measure Residential Duct Leakage | 2003 | Bob Davis; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 2003_006_InsightsImprovedWays.pdf | TRUE | No |
581 | 2003_007_1 | Natural Gas Efficiency and Conservation Measure Resource Assessment for the Residential and Commercial Sectors | 2003 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy; Shelly Borrelli | Energy Trust of Oregon | 2003_007_NaturalGasEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
582 | 2003_008_1 | Simulation Analysis of Bias in the Delta-Q Duct Leakage Test | 2003 | Erin Kruse; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Brookhaven National Laboratory | 2003_008_SimulationAnalysisBias.pdf | TRUE | No |
583 | 2003_010_1 | Performance of Ductless Heat Pumps in the Pacific Northwest | 2003 | David Baylon; Kacie Bedney; Kevin Geraghty | Unknown | 2003_010_PerformanceDuctlessHeatPumps.pdf | TRUE | No |
585 | 2003_012_1 | Simulation Analysis of Bias in the Delta-Q Duct Leakage Test | 2003 | Erin Kruse; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Unknown | 2003_012_SimulationAnalysisBias.pdf | TRUE | No |
586 | 2003_013_1 | Evaluation of Two New Duct Leakage Measurement Methods in 51 Homes | 2003 | Bob Davis; Erin Kruse; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 2003_013_EvaluationTwoNewDuct.pdf | TRUE | No |
587 | 2003_015_1 | Daylighting Design - Albertsons Model Store MEMO | 2003 | David Baylon | Albertsons | 2003_015_DaylightingDesignAlbertsons.pdf | TRUE | No |
588 | 2003_016_1 | Albertsons Daylight and Heat Recovery Parametric Runs MEMO | 2003 | David Baylon | Konstruct | 2003_016_AlbertsonsDaylightHeat.pdf | TRUE | No |
589 | 2004_001_1 | A Matter of (Energy) Trust: An Energy Service Provider Looks for Leverage in a Deregulated Market -- Program Design and Implementation Issues | 2004 | Bruce Manclark; David Baylon; Jennifer Williamson; John Graham; Lois Gordon | Energy Trust of Oregon | 2004_001_MatterEnergyTrust.pdf | TRUE | No |
591 | 2004_002_1 | Duct Efficiency Under Full-Load or Modulating Conditions: Implications for Heat Pump Performance | 2004 | Erin Kruse; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2004_002_DuctEfficiencyUnderFullLoad.pdf | TRUE | No |
593 | 2004_003_1 | Electric Energy and Peak Load Impacts of Northwest EnergyStar Program in the Boise Climate | 2004 | David Baylon | Idaho Power Company | 2004_003_ElectricEnergyPeakLoad.pdf | TRUE | No |
594 | 2004_004_1 | Field Evaluation of New Manufactured Homes in the Pacific Northwest | 2004 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Tom Hewes | Oregon Department of Energy | 2004_004_FieldEvaluationNewManufactured.pdf | TRUE | No |
595 | 2004_005_1 | Heat Pump System Performance in Northern Climates | 2004 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 2004_005_HeatPumpSystemPerformance.pdf | TRUE | No |
596 | 2004_006_1 | Measured Duct Leakage at Operating Conditions in 48 Homes | 2004 | Bob Davis; Erin Kruse; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2004_006_MeasuredDuctLeakage.pdf | TRUE | No |
597 | 2004_007_1 | Summary of SGC Manufactured Home Field Data (2001-02) | 2004 | Bob Davis; David Baylon | Idaho Department of Water Resources - Energy Division; NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; Northwest Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes | 2004_007_SummarySGCManufactured.pdf | TRUE | No |
598 | 2004_008_1 | Understanding Heating Seasonal Performance Factors for Heat Pumps | 2004 | David Baylon; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2004_008_UnderstandingHeatingSeasonal.pdf | TRUE | No |
600 | 2004_010_1 | Electric Energy and Peak Load Impacts of the Northwest EnergyStar Program in the Boise Climate | 2004 | David Baylon | Idaho Power Company | 2004_010_ElectricEnergyPeakLoad.pdf | TRUE | No |
601 | 2004_011_1 | Albertsons Post-Installation Skylight Review MEMO | 2004 | David Baylon | Albertsons; Konstruct | 2004_011_AlbertsonsPostIntallationSkylight.pdf | TRUE | No |
602 | 2005_001_1 | Analysis of Claimed Benefits for the Delta-P Pressure Balancing Valve | 2005 | Charlie de Montigny; David Baylon; Jonathan Heller; Shawn Oram; Shelly Strand | Seattle City Light | 2005_001_AnalysisClaimedBenefits.pdf | TRUE | No |
604 | 2005_002_1 | Analysis of Heat Pump Installation Practices and Performance (Final Report) | 2005 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; David Robison; Erin Kruse; Shelly Strand | Heat Pump Working Group | 2005_002_AnalysisHeatPumpInstallation.pdf | TRUE | No |
607 | 2005_004_1 | Multi-Family Fuel Choice Study | 2005 | Charlie de Montigny; David Baylon; Jonathan Heller; Shawn Oram; Shelly Strand | Puget Sound Energy | 2005_004_MFFuelChoice.pdf | TRUE | No |
608 | 2005_005_1 | Summary of Components of the "Best of the Region"Base Code for the Northwest Energy "Reach" Code Project | 2005 | Ecotope Inc. | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2005_005_SummaryComponentsBestOf.pdf | TRUE | No |
609 | 2006_001_1 | It Sounded Good on Paper: Field Performance of Residential Heat Pumps in the Pacific Northwest | 2006 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Shelly Strand | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2006_001_ItSoundedGoodPaper.pdf | TRUE | No |
611 | 2006_002_1 | Measured Effect of Air Flow and Refrigerant Charge on Heat Pump Performance in Heating Mode | 2006 | Erin Kruse; Larry Palmiter | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2006_002_MeasuredEffectAirFlow.pdf | TRUE | No |
613 | 2006_003_1 | Measuring Residential Duct Efficiency with the Short-term Coheat Test Methodology | 2006 | Bob Davis; Jeff Siegel; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Energy and Buildings | 2006_003_MeasuringResidentialDuctEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
615 | 2006_004_1 | True R-Values of Round Residential Ductwork | 2006 | Erin Kruse; Larry Palmiter | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2006_004_TrueRValuesRoundResidential.pdf | TRUE | No |
616 | 2006_005_1 | Demand-Side Resource and Programs Assessment for Eugene Water & Electric Board | 2006 | David Baylon; David Robison; Jane Peters | Eugene Water and Electric Board | 2006_005_ DemandSideResource.pdf | TRUE | No |
617 | 2006_006_1 | High Efficiency Heat pump Monitoring Project | 2006 | Bob Davis; David Robison; Howard Reichmuth | NPCC - Northwest Power and Conservation Council; Oregon Department of Energy | 2006_006_HighEfficiencyHPMonitoring.pdf | TRUE | No |
618 | 2007_001_1 | Crawlspace Design in Marine and Cold Climates | 2007 | Andrew Gordon; David Hales; Larry Palmiter; Mike Lubliner | ASHRAE - American Society ofHeating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers | 2007_001_CrawlspaceDesignMarine.pdf | TRUE | No |
620 | 2007_002_1 | The Importance of Integrated Design, Commissioning, and Building Tuning: A Grocery Store Case Study | 2007 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2007_002_RefrigerationCaseStudy.pdf | TRUE | No |
622 | 2007_003_1 | Thermal Characterization and Duct 1 Losses of Belly Spaces in 2 Manufactured Homes | 2007 | Larry Palmiter | Unknown | 2007_003_ThermalCharacterizationDuctLosses.pdf | TRUE | No |
623 | 2007_004_1 | Energy Savings and Peak Load Impacts of the Northwest Energy Star Program in Idaho Climate Zones: IECC Base Standards | 2007 | David Baylon | Idaho Power Company | 2007_004_EnergySavingsPeakLoadImpacts.pdf | TRUE | No |
624 | 2008_001_1 | Baseline Characteristics of the 2002-2004 Nonresidential Sector: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington (Final Report) | 2008 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2008_001_BaselineCharacteristics2002.pdf | TRUE | No |
625 | 2008_002_1 | Baseline Energy Use Index of the 2002-2004 Nonresidential Sector: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington | 2008 | David Baylon; David Robison; Mike Kennedy | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2008_002_BaselineEnergyUseIndex.pdf | TRUE | No |
626 | 2008_003_1 | Comparison of Commercial LEED Buildings and Non-LEED Buildings within the 2002-2004 Pacific Northwest Commercial Building Stock | 2008 | David Baylon; Poppy Storm | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2008_003_ComparisonCommercialLEED.pdf | TRUE | No |
627 | 2008_004_1 | Measured Effect of Air Flow and Refrigerant Charge on a High-Performance Heat Pump | 2008 | Erin Kruse; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2008_004_MeasuredEffectAirFlow.pdf | TRUE | No |
628 | 2008_005_1 | Residential Energy Comparison: Built Green and LEED | 2008 | Ben Larson; Jonathan Heller; Shawn Oram | Seattle Department of Planning and Development | 2008_005_BuiltGreenLeed.pdf | TRUE | No |
629 | 2008_007_1 | The Importance of Integrated Design, Commissioning, and Building Tuning: A Grocery Store Case Study | 2008 | David Baylon; Jonathan Heller | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2008_007_ImportanceIntegratedDesign.pdf | TRUE | No |
630 | 2008_008_1 | Maple Street Fire Station: Path to Net Zero Energy _ Feasibility Study | 2008 | Jonathan Heller | Unknown | 2008_008_MapleStFireStation.pdf | TRUE | No |
631 | 2008_010_1 | Baseline Characteristics of the 2002-2004 Nonresidential Sector: Seattle City Light | 2008 | David Baylon | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; Seattle City Light | 2008_010_Baseline02-04NonResSCL.pdf | TRUE | No |
632 | 2008_011_1 | Baseline Characteristics of the 2002-2004 Nonresidential Sector: Puget Sound Energy Snohomish County Public Utility District Tacoma Public Utilities | 2008 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; Puget Sound Energy; Snohomish County PUD No 1; Tacoma Power | 2008_011_PSNSBaselineCharac02-04NonRes.pdf | TRUE | No |
633 | 2008_012_1 | Comparison of LEED Buildings in the Seattle City Light Service Territory and the 2002-2004 Pacific Northwest Commercial Building Stock | 2008 | David Baylon; Mike Kennedy | Seattle City Light | 2008_012_ComparisonLEEDBuildingsSCL-DRAFT.pdf | TRUE | No |
634 | 2009_001_1 | Multifamily Billing Analysis: New Mid-Rise Buildings in Seattle | 2009 | Jonathan Heller; Kevin Geraghty; Shawn Oram | City of Seattle Department of Planning & Development | 2009_001_MultifamilyBuilding.pdf | TRUE | No |
636 | 2009_002_1 | Reverse Cycle Chillers for Multifamily Buildings in the Pacific Northwest: Phase I Final Report | 2009 | Carmen Cejudo; Jonathan Heller | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2009_002_ReverseCycleChillers.pdf | TRUE | No |
640 | 2009_004_1 | Mini-Split Ductless Heat Pump Bench Test Results | 2009 | Bob Davis | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2009_004_MiniSplitDuctlessHeatPump.pdf | TRUE | No |
641 | 2009_005_1 | Residential Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump Retrofit Monitoring | 2009 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Kevin Geraghty | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2009_005_ResidentialDuctlessMiniSplitMonitoring.pdf | TRUE | No |
642 | 2009_006_1 | Summary Report on Cost-Effective Energy Efficiency in the Pacific Northwest | 2009 | Ben Larson; David Baylon; Poppy Storm | Northwest Energy Coalition | 2009_006_SummaryReportCostEffectiveEnergy.pdf | TRUE | No |
643 | 2009_007_1 | Summary of 2006 NEEM Manufactured Homes: Field Data and Billing Analysis | 2009 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Kevin Geraghty; Thomas Hughes | Northwest Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes; Oregon Department of Energy | 2009_007_Summary2006NEEM.pdf | TRUE | No |
644 | 2009_008_1 | The Power of Efficiency: Pacific Northwest Energy Conservation Potential Through 2020 | 2009 | Ben Larson; David Baylon; Poppy Storm | Northwest Energy Coalition | 2009_008_PowerEfficiency.pdf | TRUE | No |
645 | 2009_009_1 | Memorandum: Building Type Analysis for the "Assembly" and "Other" Categories of the 2002-04 Baseline Study | 2009 | David Baylon | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; NPCC - Northwest Power and Conservation Council | 2009_009_MemoBuildingTypeAnalysisAssembly.pdf | TRUE | No |
646 | 2009_023_1 | Testimony Before the Economics Sub-Committee of the Washington State Building Code Council | 2009 | Chuck Murray; David Baylon | Washington State Building Code Council | 2009_010_1_TestimonyEconomics.pdf | TRUE | No |
647 | 2010_001_1 | Priority Green Expedited Program Threshold Analysis | 2010 | Jonathan Heller; Morgan Heater | Seattle Department of Planning and Development | 2010_001_PriorityGreenExpedited.pdf | TRUE | NO |
648 | 2010_002_1 | Residential Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump Retrofit Monitoring: 2008-2010 Analysis | 2010 | Ecotope Inc. | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2010_002_ResidentialDuctlessMiniSplitMonitoring.pdf | TRUE | No |
649 | 2010_003_1 | Interim Report and Preliminary Assessment of GE GeoSpring Heat Pump Water HeaterResidential Heat Pump Water Heater Evaluation Project | 2010 | Ben Larson | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2010_003_InterimReportPreliminaryAssessmentGE.pdf | TRUE | No |
650 | 2010_004_1 | Energy Efficiency: A Cost-Effective Strategy to Meet Regional Climate Goals in the Pacific Northwest | 2010 | Ben Larson; David Baylon; Poppy Storm | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2010_004_EnergyEfficiencyCostEffective.pdf | TRUE | No |
651 | 2010_005_1 | Development and Implementaion of a Ductless Heat Pump Metering Plan | 2010 | Bob Davis; Kevin Geraghty | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2010_005_DevelopmentImplementationDuctless.pdf | TRUE | No |
652 | 2010_006_1 | Modeled Heat Pump Retrofit Predictions with ‘Right’ Sizing and Outdoor Temperature Lockout Controls | 2010 | Ben Larson; Bob Davis; David Baylon | Puget Sound Energy | 2010_006_ModeledHeatPumpRetrofit.pdf | TRUE | NO |
653 | 2010_007_1 | Residential Heat Pump Water Heater Evaluation Project Measurement & Verification Plan | 2010 | Ecotope Inc. | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2010_007_ ResidentialHeatPumpWaterHeater.pdf | TRUE | No |
654 | 2010_008_1 | 2010 Codes and Standards Evaluation Phase 1 Contract #: 40263 | 2010 | Ben Larson; Virginia Mugford | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2010_008_1_2010CodesStandardsEvalMemo.pdf | TRUE | No |
655 | 2010_009_1 | Final Savings Estimate of Proposed 2011 Oregon Residential Specialty Code | 2010 | Ben Larson | Regional Technical Forum | 2010_009_1_FinalSavingsEstimate2011ORSC.pdf | TRUE | No |
656 | 2011_001_1 | Energy Impacts Evaluation of Select 2008 Avista Residential and Low Income Demand-Side Management Programs | 2011 | Ecotope Inc. | Avista Corporation | 2011_001_EnergyImpactsEvaluationAvista.pdf | TRUE | No |
658 | 2011_002_1 | Interim Report and Preliminary Assessment of Rheem EcoSense HP50 Heat Pump Water HeaterResidential Heat Pump Water Heater Evaluation Project | 2011 | Ben Larson | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2011_002_InterimReportPreliminaryAssessmentRheem.pdf | TRUE | No |
660 | 2011_003_1 | Measured effect of air flow and refrigerant charge on the seasonal performance of an air-source heat pump using R-410A | 2011 | Ben Larson; Eckhard A. Groll; James E. Braun; Jun-Hyeung Kim; Larry Palmiter; Paul Francisco | Energy and Buildings | 2011_003_MeasuredEffectAirFlowRefrigerant.pdf | TRUE | No |
662 | 2011_004_1 | Residential Heat Pump Water Heater Evaluation Project: Lab Testing & Energy Use Estimates | 2011 | Ben Larson; David Baylon; Michael Logsdon | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2011_004_ResidentialHPWHEvaluation.pdf | TRUE | No |
664 | 2011_005_0 | Ductless Heat Pump Impact & Process Evaluation: Lab-Testing Report | 2011 | Ben Larson; David Baylon; Poppy Storm | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2011_005_01DHPImpactProcess.pdf | TRUE | No |
666 | 2011_006_1 | NW Residential Code Savings Contract #: 40491. Tasks 1 & 2. | 2011 | Ben Larson | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2011_006_1_ NWResCodeTasks1&2.pdf | TRUE | No |
668 | 2011_007_1 | 2011 Power Plan Comparison Savings Contract #: 40361 | 2011 | Gia Mugford | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2011_007_1_PowerPlanSavings.pdf | TRUE | No |
669 | 2012_001_1 | RBSA Single Family Characteristics and Energy Use | 2012 | Bob Davis; David Baylon; Kevin Geraghty; Poppy Storm | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2012_001_RBSASingleFamilyCharacteristics.pdf | TRUE | No |
670 | 2012_002_1 | Residential Codes Energy Use Savings | 2012 | Ecotope Inc. | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2012_002_ResidentialCodesEnergyUse.pdf | TRUE | No |
671 | 2012_003_1 | Ductless Heat Pump Impact & Process Evaluation: Field Metering Report | 2012 | Ben Larson; David Baylon; Kevin Geraghty; Poppy Storm | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2012_003_DHPImpact&Process.pdf | TRUE | No |
672 | 2012_004_1 | Laboratory Assessment of General Electric GeoSpringTM Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater | 2012 | Ben Larson; Michael Logsdon | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2012_004_LabAssessmentsGEGeoSpring.pdf | TRUE | No |
673 | 2012_005_1 | Laboratory Assessment of AO Smith Voltex Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater for Northern Climate Installations | 2012 | Ben Larson; Michael Logsdon | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2012_005_LabAssessAOSmith.pdf | TRUE | No |
674 | 2012_006_1 | Laboratory Assessment of AirGenerate ATI66 Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater | 2012 | Ben Larson; Michael Logsdon | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2012_006_LabAssessAirGenerate.pdf | TRUE | No |
677 | 2012_009_1 | Ductless Heat Pump Retrofits in Multifamily and Small Commercial Buildings | 2012 | Ben Larson; Bob Davis; Kevin Geraghty; Lucinda Gilman | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2012_009_DHPxMultifamilySmallComm.pdf | TRUE | No |
678 | 2012_010_1 | Heat Pump Weater Heater-Whole House Interactions: A Modeling Approach | 2012 | Ben Larson | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2012_010_1HPWHWholeHouse.pdf | TRUE | No |
679 | 2012_011_1 | Saving Window, Saving Money: Evaluating the Energy Performance of Window Retrofit and Replacement | 2012 | Jonathan Heller; Katie Spataro; Mark Huppert; Morgan Heater; Patrice Frey; Rebecca Harris | National Center for Preservation Technology & Training | 2012_011_1_SavingWindowsSaving Money.pdf | TRUE | No |
681 | 2012_013_1 | Northern Climate Heat Pump Water Heater Lab Testing Update | 2012 | Ben Larson | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2012_013_1_NorthernClimateHPWH.pdf | TRUE | No |
682 | 2012_014_1 | Northern Climate Heat Pump Water Heater Lab Tests | 2012 | Ben Larson; Mark Rehley | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy; NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2012_014_1_NorthernClimateHeat.pdf | TRUE | No |
683 | 2012_015-1 | NW Residential Code Savings Contract #: 40491. Task 3 | 2012 | Ben Larson | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2012_015_1NWResCodeTask3Memo.pdf | TRUE | No |
684 | 2012_016_1 | NW Residential Code Savings Contract #: 40491. Tasks 4 & 6. | 2012 | Ben Larson | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2012_016_1_NWResCodeTasks4&6.pdf | TRUE | No |
685 | 2013_001_1 | Laboratory Assessment of AirGenerate ATI80 Heat Pump Water Heater | 2013 | Ben Larson | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2013_001_LaboratoryAssessmentAirGenerateATI80.pdf | TRUE | No |
686 | 2013_002_1 | RBSA Manufactured Homes Characteristics and Energy Use | 2013 | Benjamin Hannas; Bob Davis; David Baylon; Poppy Storm | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2013_002_RBSAManufacturedHomes.pdf | TRUE | No |
687 | 2013_003_1 | Designing for Off: RFM Office and Studio | 2013 | Carmen Cejudo; Shawn Oram | High Performing Buildings | 2013_003_DesigningFor Off.pdf | TRUE | No |
688 | 2013_004_1 | Laboratory Assessment of Rheem HB50RH Heat Pump Water Heater | 2013 | Ben Larson | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2013_004_LaboratoryAssessmentRheemHB50RH.pdf | TRUE | No |
689 | 2013_005_1 | Residential Variable Capacity Heat Pump Field Study | 2013 | Ben Larson; Bob Davis; Jeffrey Uslan; Lucinda Gilman | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2013_005_ResidentialVCHPFieldStudy.pdf | TRUE | No |
690 | 2013_006_1 | Ductless Heat Pump Impact & Process Evaluation: Billing Analysis Report | 2013 | David Baylon; David Robison; Poppy Storm | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2013_006_DHPImpactBilling.pdf | TRUE | NO |
691 | 2013_007_1 | Residential Building Stock Assessment: Multifamily Characteristics and Energy Use | 2013 | Benjamin Hannas; David Baylon; Gia Mugford; Kevin Geraghty; Poppy Storm | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2013_007_RBSAMFCharacteristics.pdf | TRUE | NO |
692 | 2013_008_1 | Laboratory Assessments of Sanden GES-15QTA Heat Pump Water Heater | 2013 | Ben Larson; Michael Logsdon | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2013_008_LaboratoryAssessmentSandenGES.pdf | TRUE | No |
693 | 2013_009_1 | Addendum No 1 to the Ductless Heat Pump Impact and Process Evaluation: Field Metering Report Ductless Heat Pump Cold Climate Performance Evaluation | 2013 | Ben Larson; Benjamin Hannas; David Baylon; Poppy Storm | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration; NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2013_009_Addendum1DHPImpact.pdf | TRUE | No |
695 | 2013_011_1 | Heat Pump Water Heater-Quick Simulation Approach | 2013 | Ben Larson; Michael Logsdon | ACEEE - American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | 2013_011_1HPWHQuickSimulation.pdf | TRUE | No |
696 | 2013_012_1 | Energy and Water Audits of 30 City of Seattle Buildings | 2013 | Carmen Cejudo; Jonathan Heller; Mike Kennedy; Morgan Heater | City of Seattle Department of Planning & Development | 2013_012_1_EnergyWaterAudits30.pdf | TRUE | No |
697 | 2013_013_1 | VBDD PTCS Savings Estimates | 2013 | David Baylon; Poppy Storm | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration; Evergreen Economics | 2013_013_1_VBDDPTCSSavings.pdf | TRUE | No |
700 | 2014_001_1 | Pool Chemistry | 2014 | Gia Mugford; Jonathan Heller | Seattle Office of Sustainability | 2014_001_1_PoolChemistryMEMO.pdf | TRUE | No |
701 | 2014_003_1 | Final Summary Report for the Ductless Heat Pump Impact and Process Evaluation | 2014 | Ecotope | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2014_003_1_DHPFinalSummary.pdf | TRUE | No |
703 | 2015_001_1 | Heat Pump Water Heater Model Validation Study | 2015 | Ecotope | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2015_001_1_HPWHModelVal.pdf | TRUE | NO |
706 | Ductless Heat Pump Billing Analysis Bias Assessment | 2013 | Ben Larson, Jeffrey Uslan | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2013_017_DHPBillingAnalBias.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
707 | RCC Pilot Project: Multifamily Heat Pump Water Heaters in Below Grade Parking Garages in the Pacific Northwest | 2015 | Jonathan Heller, Shawn Oram | BPA - The Bonneville Power Administration: Emerging Energy Efficient Technologies Program (E3T) | 2015_004_RCCPilotMFHPWH.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
708 | Sensitvity Analysis: Comparing the Impact of Design, Operation, and Tenant Behavior on Building Energy Performance | 2011 | Jonathan Heller; Morgan Heater, Mark Frankel | NBI - New Buildings Institute | 2011_008_SensitivityAnalysis.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
709 | Design For Off: Key Mechanical Engineering Design Features for Significant Energy Savings | 2014 | Jonathan Heller; David Baylon; Shawn Oram | ACEEE Summer Study | 2014_006_DesignForOff.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
710 | Reverse Cycle Chiller (RCC) Best Practices Design Guidelines | 2015 | Jonathan Heller; Shawn Oram | Seattle City Light | 2015_007_RCCDesignGuidelines.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
711 | DRAFT Denning Apartments Solar Assist Heat Pump Water Heater | 2015 | Jonathan Heller | Seattle City Light | 2015_005_DenningSolarAssist.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
712 | Commercial Code Evaluation Pilot Study Final Report | 2016 | Poppy Storm; David Baylon; Benjamin Hannas; John Hogan | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2016_001_CommercialCodeEval.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
713 | Laboratory Assessment of GE GEH50DFEJSRA Heat Pump Water Heater | 2015 | Ben Larson; Nicholas Kvaltine | NEEA - Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2015_003_1_LabAssGEH50.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
714 | Reaching Seattle's Climate Goals in the Building Sector: Quantifying Targets and Tracking Progress | 2016 | Benjamin Hannas, Sandra Mallory, Poppy Storm | ACEEE Summer Study | 2016_002_ReachingSeattlesClimateGoals.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
715 | Performance Testing of Variable Capacity Heat Pumps in the Pacific | 2016 | Robert Davis, Ben Larson | ACEEE Summer Study | 2016_003_PerformanceTestingVariable.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
716 | Measuring What Matters: A Methodology for Moving From Code Compliance to Code Evaluation | 2016 | Poppy Storm, Steve Phoutrides | ACEEE Summer Study | 2016_004_MeasuringWhatMatters.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
717 | The Development of the Residential Option Table in the Washington State Energy Code | 2016 | David Baylon, Chuck Murray | ACEEE Summer Study | 2016_005_DevelopmentResidentialOption.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
718 | SUNCODE-PC | 1985 | Larry Palmiter, Terry Wheeling, Mary Jane DeLaHunt | Ecotope, Inc | 1985_016_SUNCODE-PC.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
719 | Small and Rural Utility RTF Technical Support Needs Study | 2012 | Poppy Storm, David Baylon, Gia Mugford | Regional Technical Forum | 2012_017_1_SmallRuralUtility.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
720 | Dryer Field Study | 2014 | Benjamin Hannas, Lucinda Gilman | Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2014_005_1_DryerStudy.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
721 | Technical Memo: Ductless Heat Pump Billing Analysis Bias Assessment | 2013 | Ben Larson, Jeffrey Uslan | Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2013_017_DHPBillingAnalBias.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
722 | Laboratory Assessment of Steibel-Eltron Accelera 220 E Heat Pump Water Heater | 2015 | Nicholas Kvaltine, Ben Larson | NEEA Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance | 2015_002_1_LabAssSteibel.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
723 | Where's The Sun? | 1980 | Davis Straub, Bruce Lampcov, David Baylon, Richard Sassaman, Dale Lewis, John McCarthy | Ecotope | 1980_020_WheresThe Sun.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
724 | Heat Pump Water Heater Installation | 1985 | David Baylon | Ela Esterberg Seattle City Light | 1985_017_HPWHInstallation.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
725 | Installation Specifications For Commercial Conservation Programs Part 1 | 1985 | Seton, Johnson & Odell, Ecotope | Bonneville Power Administration | 1985_018_InstallationSpecificationsCommercialPart1.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
726 | Installation Specifications for Commercial Conservation Programs Part 2 | 1985 | Seton, Johnson & Odell, Ecotope | Bonneville Power Administration | 1985_019_InstallationSpecificationsCommercialPart2.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
730 | From Church to School | 2017 | Morgan Heater, Gladys Ly-Au Young | High Performing Buildings | 2017_001_FromChurchToSchool.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
731 | Assessment of Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump Energy Savings in Stack House Apartments | 2016 | Michael Logsdon, Ben Larson | BPA - Bonneville Power Administration | 2016_006_AssessDuctlessHPStackHouse.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
732 | Heat Pump Water Heater Electric Load Shifting: A Modeling Study | 2018 | Nick Carew, Ben Larson, Logan Piepmeier, Michael Logsdon | Bonneville Power Administration, Marin Clean Energy, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Pacific Gas & Electric, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Sonoma Clean Power, Southern California Edison | 2018_001_HPWHLoadShiftingModelingStudy.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
733 | High Efficiency Heat Pump Long-Term Monitoring | 2008 | Bob Davis, David Robison (Stellar Processes) | State Technology Advancement Collaborative | 2008_013_HighEfficiencyHeatPumpMonitoring.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
734 | Laboratory Tests of the Impact of Variations of Refrigerant Charge and Airflow on Heat Pump Performance | 2008 | Larry Palmiter, Ben Larson | Idaho Office of Energy Resources | 2008_014_RefrigerantChargeAndHPPerformance.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
735 | Laboratory Tests of the Impact of Variations of Refrigerant Charge and Airflow on Heat Pump Performance - Appendices | 2008 | Larry Palmiter, Ben Larson | Idaho Office of Energy Resources | 2008_015_RefrigerantChargeAndHPPerformanceAppendices.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
736 | Multifamily Temperature Maintenance Study Report | 2016 | Jonathan Heller, Shawn Oram, Gia Mugford, Michael Logsdon, Ben Larson | Bonneville Power Administration | 2016_007_MultifamilyTemperatureMaintenanceStudyReport.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
752 | Demonstration and M&V: Commercial Heat Pump Water Heating System using the Mitsubishi HEAT2O in Origin by Steffes Plug-and-Play Package at Bayview Tower | 2022 | Adria Banks, Jonathan Heller, Scott Spielman | BPA, Mitsubishi | 2022_001_20220505-mitsubishi-qahv-mv-study-task-3.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
753 | QAHV System Development and Applications Testing | 2022 | Scott Spielman | BPA, Mitsubishi | 2022_002_20220505-qahv-system-development-and-app-testing-task-2.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
754 | Olimpia Splendid Maestro Pro Feasibility Study & Bench Test | 2022 | Adria Banks, Bob Davis, Henry Odum, Jenny Haan, Jonathan Heller, Karen Morse | BPA | 2022_005_olimpia-splendid-maestro-report.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
755 | Ecosim User Manual | 2022 | Paul Kintner | BPA | 2022_007_20220602-ecosim-user-manual.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
756 | Nyle e60e60A HPWH Feasibility Study | 2021 | Jonathan Heller, Leslie Heilbrunn, Scott Spielman | BPA, Nyle | 2021_001_FINAL-20211020-Nyle-Feasibility-Study.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
757 | Mitsubishi QAHV Load Shift Feasibility Study | 2021 | Scott Spielman | BPA, Mitsubishi | 2021_002_20210105-mitsu-load-shifting-feasibility-study-task-4.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
758 | Sawara Exemplary Building Energy Study | 2021 | Henry Odum, Julianne MacLennan | Seattle City Light | 2021_003_Y7.3-ExemplaryBuilding-Modeling-Report-Final_2021.05-approved-1.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
759 | Mitsubishi QAHV CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater Feasibility Study | 2020 | Colin Grist, Jonathan Heller, Scott Spielman | BPA | 2020_001_final-mitsubishi-feasibility-study.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
760 | CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater Study: Elizabeth James, Seattle, WA. | 2020 | Adria Banks, Colin Grist, Jonathan Heller | BPA | 2020_003_co2-heat-pump-water-heater-final.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
761 | Modeling the Washington State Energy Code - 2006 & 2018 Baseline Energy Consumption | 2020 | Adria Banks, David Reddy, Jireh Peng, Henry Odum, Mark Frankel, Paul Kintner, Scott Spielman | State of Washington, Dept of Enterprise Services | 2020_004_BaselineStudy_FinalReport_032320.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
762 | Ecosizer - Central Heat Pump Water Heating Sizing Tool | 2020 | Adria Banks, Colin Grist, Jonathan Heller, Paul Kintner, Scott Spielman | SCE, 2050 Partners, ZYD Energy, SMUD | 2020_005_ecosizer-chpwh-sizing-tool-manual12232020.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
763 | Modeling the Washington State Energy Code - 2006 & 2018 Baseline Energy Consumption Appendix E - Commercial Building Modeling Inputs | 2020 | Adria Banks, David Reddy, Jireh Peng, Henry Odum, Mark Frankel, Paul Kintner, Scott Spielman | State of Washington, Dept of Enterprise Services | 2020_006_SBCC-BaselineStudy_FinalReport-APPENDIX%20E_Part-2_2-20200323.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
764 | Innova View 2.0 Feasibility Study | 2020 | Kristine Adamich, Jonathan Heller, Scott Spielman, Shawn Oram | BPA | 2020_008_innova-view-2-feasibility-study-final.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
765 | Heat Pump Water Heater Energy Savings via Load Shifting | 2019 | Paul Kintner, Ben Larson | Xcel Energy | 2019_003_HPWH_Load_Shift_Energy_Savings_2019-07-25.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
766 | Residential Energy Code: Baseline Usage of 2006, 2015, and 2018 Code Cycles | 2018 | Henry Odum | WA SBCC Energy Code TAG | 2018_001WSEC_R23 supporting_20190509.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
767 | Oregon Residential Specialty Code: 2005 Baseline and Code Roadmap to Achieve the 2030 Goal | 2021 | Henry Odum, Mark Frankel, Paul Kintner | NEEA | 2021_004_Oregon-Residential-Specialty-Code-2005-Baseline-and-Code-Roadmap-to-Achieve-2030-Goal.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
768 | Investigation of Airtightness Interations in Multifamily Buildings - Phase II | 2021 | Bob Davis, Henry Odum, Ben Larson, Jonathan Heller | NEEA | 2021_005_Investigation-of-Airtightness-and-Ventilation-Interactions-in-New-Multifamily-Buildings-Phase-II.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
769 | Investigation of Airtightness Interations in Multifamily Buildings - Phase III | 2021 | Bob Davis, Henry Odum, Ben Larson, Jonathan Heller | NEEA | 2021_006_Investigation-of-Airtightness-and-Ventilation-Interactions-in-New-Multifamily-Buildings-–-Phase-III.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
770 | 2018 Washington Residential Code Energy Savings Analysis | 2021 | Adria Banks, Henry Odum, Mark Frankel | NEEA | 2021_007_2018-Washington-Residential-Code-Energy-Savings-Analysis.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
771 | Oregon Residential Specialty Code: Energy Efficiency Analysis | 2020 | Henry Odum, Paul Kintner | NEEA | 2020_007_Oregon-Residential-Specialty-Code-Energy-Efficiency-Analysis.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
772 | Thermal Storage Performance in Heat Pump Water Heating Systems | 2022 | Adria Banks, Paul Kintner, Scott Spielman | BPA | 2022_003_202200505-tes-performance-in-hpwh-systems-final-task-28.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
773 | Determination Analyses: Energy Impact of New Residential Energy Codes in Idaho, Montana, and Oregon | 2022 | Gia Mugford, Mark Frankel, Paul Kintner | NEEA | 2022_006_ID-MT-OR_ResidentialCodeSavings_20220317.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
774 | CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater Study: HopeWorks Station Place, Everett, WA | 2020 | Scott Spielman, Adria Banks, Jonathan Heller, Helen Townsend | BPA | 2020_002_HopeWorksReportFinal_20220720PDF.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
775 | Laboratory Assessment of Rheem Generation 5 Series Heat Pump Water Heaters | 2020 | Paul Kintner, Ben Larson | NEEA | 2020_009_Laboratory-Assessment-of-Rheem-Generation-5-Series-HPWH.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
776 | 2019 Oregon New Commercial Construction Code Evaluation Study | 2019 | Bob Davis, Julianne MacLennan, Ben Larson, Adria Banks, Helen Townsend | NEEA | 2019_001_2019-Oregon-New-Commercial-Construction-Code-Evaluation-Study.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
777 | Powering an Alaska Village | 2018 | Jonathan Heller | ASHRAE HPB/City of Sitka | 2018_002_20-28_Sitka-1.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
778 | Building Energy Use Intensity Targets Final Report | 2017 | Benjamin Hannas, Poppy Storm, David Baylon | City of Seattle, OSE | 2017_001_bldgengy_targets_2017-03-30_final.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
779 | Saving History, Saving Energy | 2016 | Jonathan Heller | ASHRAE Journal | 2016_001_Stack House ASHRAE Journal Article.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
780 | Residential Building Stock Assessment: Metering Study | 2014 | Bob Davis, Gia Mugford, Ben Larson, Lucinda Gilman, Michael Logsdon, Jeffrey Uslan, Ben Hannas, David Baylon, Poppy Storm, Nick Kvaltine | NEEA | 2014_001_2014_004_1_RBSAM.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
781 | Revamping a Ho-Hum Strip Mall | 2014 | Shawn Oram | ASHRAE Journal | 2014_002_2014Nov_064-069_TechAward_Oram.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
782 | Fire Station Rescue | 2013 | Carmen Cejudo, Jonathan Heller | ASHRAE Journal | 2013_001_2013Sept-058-065_TechAward_Heller.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
783 | Field Measurement of Central CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater for Multifamily Retrofit | 2022 | Adria Banks, Colin Grist, Jonathan Heller, Hyunwoo Lim | MDPI Journal | 2022_008_sustainability-14-08048.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
784 | Residential Building Energy Efficiency Field Studies: Low-Rise Multifamily | 2020 | Robert Davis, Adria Banks, Ben Larson, Hyunwoo Lim, Scott Spielman, Helen Townsend | US Department of Energy | 2020_011_1656655-Residential_Building_Energy_Efficiency_Field_Studies-Low-Rise_Multifamily.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
785 | Energy Code Field Studies: Low-Rise Multifamily Air Leakage Testing | 2020 | David Bohac, Robert Davis, Collin Olson, Gary Nelson, Lauren Sweeney | US Department of Energy | 2020_012_LRMF_AirLeakageTesting_FinalReport_2020-07-06.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
786 | 2017 Oregon Residential Speciality Code Energy Efficiency: Impact Assessment | 2017 | Benjamin Hannas, Poppy Storm | NEEA | 2017_002_2017-Oregon-Residential-Specialty-Code-Energy-Efficiency-Impact-Assessment.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
787 | Creating Future Meteorological Years for Use in Building Simulations | 2020 | Paul Kintner, Ben Larson | Northwest Power and Conservation Council | 2020_010_CREATING FUTURE METEOROLOGICAL YEARS FOR USE IN BUILDING SIMULATIONS 1-22-2020.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
788 | Literature Review of Multifamily Central Domestic Hot Water Distribution Losses | 2019 | Paul Kintner, Ben Larson | NEEA | 2019_002_Literature Review of Multifamily Central Domestic Hot Water Distribution Losses Final Report 11_06_2019.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
789 | 2012 Residential Codes Impact Assessment | 2015 | Gia Mugford, Poppy Storm, David Baylon | NEEA | 2015_001_2009-2012_ResCodeImpact_Memo_2015-05-29_FINAL.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
790 | Challenges and Solutions for Commercial HPWH Installations | 2021 | Colin Grist, Mark Frankel, Helen Townsend, Julianne MacLennan | NEEA | 2021_008_NEEA_HPWH_Install_challenges_FinalWhitePaper_final_9-10-2021.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
791 | Centralized HPWH Market Characterization | 2022 | Mark Frankel, Adria Banks, Jon Heller | NEEA | 2022_009_NEEA_CHPWH Mkt Characterization_Final_2-4-2022.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
792 | Multifamily Load Shift Evaluation | 2022 | Mark Frankel, Seth McKinney, Dave Stecher, Ron Chatterjee | Seattle City Light | 2022_010_Ecotope - SCL - Load Shift - Final 05242022.pdf | TRUE | NO | |
793 | Ecosim Sensitivity Analysis - Memo | 2022 | Evan Green, Paul Kintner | BPA, NEEA | 2022_011_Ecosim_SA_Memo1-JH.pdf | TRUE | NO |