Our team.

We engage in diverse design, research, and field activities, offering our clients the latest tools and techniques to ensure that our designs are implemented and operating at the highest standards.

Andrew Murphy

Building Information Modeling Technician

Bob Davis

Senior Field Engineer

Ellen Johnson

Marketing and Business Development Coordinator

Evan Green

Research Engineer

Gia Mugford

Technical Analyst

Greg Wentzell, PE

Mechanical Engineer

Henry Odum, PE

Director, Design and Engineering

Jon Heller, PE, LEED AP

President, Principal of Technology Transformation

Karen Morse

Program Coordinator

Katie Glore

Mechanical Project Engineer

Laurent Porter

Accounting Manager

Madison Johnson

Data Analyst

Mark Frankel, AIA, LEED Fellow

Principal, Policy and Innovation

Millen Ghebreab

Director of Finance

Mitch Young

Mechanical Engineer

Morgan Heater, PE, BEMP, LEED AP

Senior Mechanical Engineer

Nolan Price

Software Developer

Omer Ali, EIT

Mechanical Research and Design Engineer

Scott Spielman, PE

Director, Technology Transformation

Shawn Oram, PE, LEED AP

Vice President, Principal of Design and Engineering

Susanne Brown, CPD, GPD

Lead Plumbing Designer

Tim O’Neill, PE, CCP, PMP, LEED AP

Senior Research Engineer

Treasa Sweek, PE, CCP, LEED AP

Senior Mechanical Engineer

Zamora Lucas, BEMP

Energy Modeler